
Binaros, a planet, existed within the Kathol Outback region.


Being a relatively young world, the surface of Binaros was predominantly ocean, interspersed with several landmasses situated along its equator. These landmasses were densely vegetated, primarily consisting of thick growths of bushes and shrubs reaching about two meters in height. Patches of grasslands were also scattered across these areas. The planet's atmosphere was characterized by high temperatures and humidity, a result of significant volcanic activity and its proximity to the sun.

Flora and fauna

A diverse array of dense vegetation blanketed the planet. At least one island experienced periodic flooding every decade, favoring plant species that exhibited rapid growth and minimal nutrient requirements. Similar to many other planets, the plant life was a mix of edible and poisonous varieties. Furthermore, Binaros was home to two unique plant species: the Binarian carnivorous plant and the feeder plant.

The planet teemed with non-sentient lifeforms, with the animal population comprising a balanced mix of herbivores and predators, including the Binarian sabercat.


Early settlement

Around three centuries prior to the FarStar's arrival in 8 ABY, a small religious group devoted to a reclusive deity established a settlement on Binaros. They created a self-sufficient colony, dedicating their lives to worship. However, within two decades of its founding, the colony was decimated by disease. The surrounding wilderness reclaimed the settlement, leaving only a solitary temple standing.

Imperial control

A map of the area surrounding the ruined temple

Following Moff Kentor Sarne's appointment as governor of the sector, he established several clandestine bases throughout the Outback. A reconnaissance team, while surveying the planet, discovered the temple. Sarne subsequently ordered the construction of a concealed research facility. This base was integrated into the hillside behind the ruins, with the entrance cleverly concealed within the temple's interior. Its purpose was to investigate potential biological weapons resources.

Approximately 175 meters northeast of the temple ruins, Sarne's forces created a landing zone for their shuttles and cargo transports. A semi-circular area, measuring 25 meters in diameter, was cleared by charring the vegetation to delineate the field's boundaries. Repeated burnings were necessary to prevent the regrowth of vegetation.

One of the experiments conducted at the facility involved tests using a piece of DarkStryder technology. This resulted in the creation of a perfectly symmetrical hexagonal zone, situated roughly 150 meters east of the ruins. The ground within this "dead zone" was covered in gray soil, devoid of any insect or plant life. Unlike the landing field, which required constant clearing, the "dead zone" was completely sterile, with no vegetation ever returning.

The base was abandoned around 7 ABY when Sarne ordered his research teams to relocate to Kal'Shebbol.

Arrival of the FarStar

While tracking Moff Sarne, the New Republic corvette FarStar made a stop at Binaros to replenish its food and other essential supplies. A small away team, headed by Security Officer Gorak Khzam and including Kl'aal, Brophar Tofarain, and Doctor Varel DeVay, utilized the Muvon to reach the planet's surface.

Upon arrival, DeVay and other team members commenced the task of gathering food supplies for the FarStar. DeVay established a temporary science station in the clearing where the Muvon landed, while the others collected supplies and brought them to her for analysis. Khzam patrolled the area, ostensibly searching for potential threats, but secretly hoping to find targets for marksmanship practice. Kl'aal seized the opportunity to hunt the local wildlife, using it as a means to release pent-up aggression. He encountered a Binarian sabercat and pursued it through a lengthy chase. During the hunt, he inadvertently came into contact with the spores of a feeder plant, which became embedded in his fur. The hunt culminated in the death of the sabercat, but Kl'aal also discovered that he had chased the animal to the location of some ancient temple ruins.

The FarStar landing party explored the ruins and uncovered the Imperial facility concealed within. After thoroughly investigating the ruins and salvaging anything of value, the landing party returned to the FarStar and resumed their mission into the Outback.

