Binarian carnivorous plant

The carnivorous Binarian plant, a lethal species of plant, originated on the planet Binaros, found within the Kathol Outback region. This flora utilized multiple tendrils, each extending three-meters in length, to capture its victims, and it possessed a sizable mouth capable of reaching any creature within a two-meter sphere. This oral structure consisted of three transformed leaves, configured in an oval form and attached to a stem measuring half a meter in thickness. Its leaves typically displayed colored hues of orange and red. Subsisting on smaller fauna, the plant had the capability to ingest creatures as large as two meters. Indiscriminate in its dietary choices, the plant could endure several months without nourishment. It would remain dormant, awaiting an appropriate target to approach within its tendrils' reach; it would then rapidly attack, seizing the prey and pulling it into its gullet. Once enveloped within the gullet, potent digestive fluids would decompose the captured creature in only a few minutes.

