A layout of the temple. The temple located on the planet Binaros was constructed by a minor religious group. This group established a settlement on the planet approximately three centuries prior to the Battle of Kal'Shebbol.
The temple's entry point consisted of an archway, supported by a pair of substantial, square pillars. The room beyond the entrance measured twenty-five meters by forty meters, and its walls were adorned with mosaics and pictograms of an extraterrestrial design. An elaborate, cathedral-style ceiling covered the chamber. On the floor, two rows of stone benches were situated on either side of a low, flat altar. A solitary door at the rear of the chamber provided access to the burial crypt, which contained five sarcophagi of hexagonal shape embedded within the floor. The crypt's walls featured murals depicting ape-like beings engaged in rudimentary activities.
Following the construction of the Imperial Research Station adjacent to the temple, a concealed doorway to the facility was integrated into the crypt chamber. This doorway led to a turbolift that facilitated entry into the facility.
About three centuries before the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, a small cult established a colony on Binaros. They created a small, independent colony and the temple was erected as a place for worship. It was where the cult could revere their isolated deity.
Approximately two decades after the colony's founding, a devastating plague decimated the colonists. Over time, the jungle reclaimed nearly all traces of the colony, with the exception of the temple. However, the exterior of the temple was largely concealed by vegetation, rendering it difficult to locate.
During the Galactic Civil War, Moff Kentor Sarne's forces came across the temple. Subsequently, a hidden research facility was constructed into the hillside behind the ruins. A clandestine entrance to the facility was created within the crypts.