Omens is an adventure module for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game produced by West End Games, and forms part of The DarkStryder Campaign. Bill Smith is the author. The setting is 8 ABY. Uniquely, this initial adventure for The DarkStryder Campaign has certain plot points that MUST happen for the campaign to continue. These include the capture of a key character, and the death of another. Every other adventure in the series relies on these events having taken place.
Captain Keleman Ciro is in orbit around Kal'Shebbol, making preparations for the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar to embark on a trial run. This is in advance of their assignment to locate the Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne, who is operating independently. Sarne previously escaped the capital after the New Republic freed it, and was last known to be heading into the depths of the Kathol sector. He still presents a danger to the region, as he commands a large military force and possesses new, exotic technology.
However, before the FarStar can depart, Lieutenant Darryn Thyte, the Operations Officer, picks up a distress signal originating from the planet Kolatill. Following the successful liberation of Kal'Shebbol, the people of Kolatill revolted and ousted their Imperial governor, Tetrum. In response, Moff Sarne dispatched TIE bombers from the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector to bomb Domaz, the capital. The Kolatill Council is now appealing for assistance from any New Republic forces in the area, as their city burns. Captain Ciro realizes that the FarStar is the only vessel ready to respond, and orders the ship to proceed to Kolatill at maximum speed, although the journey will take four days. Governor Monjai, the New Republic's new overseer of Kal'Shebbol, pledges to dispatch medical relief ships, but notes that they will not arrive for six days.

Upon arrival, Captain Ciro directs medical teams to begin recovery and cleanup efforts. The FarStar's crew supports the local population by distributing food, retrieving medical supplies, protecting aid convoys from looters and wildlife, and generally assisting the bombing's victims. Ciro begins diplomatic discussions with Councilor Kause and the Council, who insist on holding a meeting on the planet's surface that can be broadcast to boost morale. Ciro agrees. However, while his shuttle is en route between the planet and the FarStar, the Kathol Protector reappears in the system. It launches TIE fighters and TIE bombers. The fighters engage the FarStar, while the bombers proceed to the planet with the intention of using pathogenic bombs to inflict further destruction by targeting other cities and population centers. During the ensuing battle, Imperial forces capture Captain Ciro's shuttle and bring it aboard the Kathol Protector. In the skies above Kolatill, the FarStar's fighter squadron, along with fighters from the Kolatill Defense Force, engage the TIE bombers. The defenders successfully repel the enemy, but pilot Noell Ciro is killed when he rams his fighter into a TIE/sa bomber after his weapons systems fail. After the attack, a memorial service is held for the fallen, and Kolatill pledges its support to the New Republic. Kaiya Adrimetrum, the First Officer, takes command of the FarStar and continues the New Republic's mission.