Authored by Timothy Zahn, "The Saga Begins" serves as a short story and the introductory piece for The DarkStryder Campaign, a source book for the RPG. West End Games released it in July of 1995, and its narrative unfolds in 8 ABY.
Judder Page, a Lieutenant, spearheads Page's Commandos in an operation on Kal'Shebbol. Their objective: to disable the shield generator protecting the headquarters of Moff Kentor Sarne, the Imperial ruler of the planet. With a New Republic fleet positioned in orbit, the commandos must quickly take down the shields to enable the planet's swift liberation, as they lack the resources for a prolonged siege. They infiltrate the base through a large opening created by a piece of DarkStryder technology. The unit then divides, aiming to capture Moff Sarne and free prisoners from the detention center. Sarne, monitoring the battle in orbit and alerted to the security breach, decides to flee. Accompanied by a handful of loyal stormtroopers, he makes his way to his escape vessel, the Ambition, a Carrack-class light cruiser docked in an underground facility.
A squad, with Page at the helm, nearly overtakes Sarne and the Ambition. However, Sarne thwarts their efforts by using a DarkStryder module against them. Meanwhile, the second team, led by Kaiya Adrimetrum, successfully frees the prisoners. With Sarne abandoning his capital and withdrawing a significant portion of his forces, the New Republic seizes control of the planet.
Despite securing the planet, the New Republic force is scheduled to move on, leaving behind only a small contingent. Page, aware that Sarne remains at large and possesses strange alien technology, secures permission for a mission to pursue him. Utilizing the FarStar, a CR90 corvette that Sarne had been modifying for his own purposes, Page assembles a diverse crew of New Republic personnel and Kal'Shebbol civilians. Under the leadership of Keleman Ciro, their mission is to track down Sarne, uncover his plans, and, if possible, stop him.