
A male individual named Kause resided on the planet Kolatill, which was situated within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. He held a position as a councilor on the Kolatill Council until Governor Tetrum, recently appointed by the Imperial regime, ordered the arrest and imprisonment of the entire governing body in 0 ABY. Kause's incarceration persisted until 8 ABY, at which point the planet's inhabitants revolted, successfully overthrowing Tetrum following the New Republic's triumph in liberating the sector capital, Kal'Shebbol.

Following his liberation, he was requested, alongside the two other surviving Council members, to re-establish the Council and govern Kolatill, a proposition they accepted. Shortly after taking office, the capital city of Domaz experienced an attack by TIE bombers launched from the Imperial _Ton-Falk_-class escort carrier Kathol Protector as retribution for their act of defiance. With the city devastated, the Council sent a request for aid to the New Republic. The CR90 corvette FarStar became the first ship to reach the planet, and Kause acted as the primary liaison for the vessel's representatives during their time on the surface. He insisted on a meeting with the FarStar's commander, Captain Keleman Ciro, on Kolatill's surface to demonstrate solidarity with the population. En route to this meeting, Ciro was captured by Imperial forces when the Kathol Protector returned to strike the planet for a second time. After the successful defense of Kolatill, Kause participated in a memorial service to honor those who had fallen.


Kause, a male individual, resided on the planet of Kolatill, situated in the Kathol sector within the Outer Rim Territories, and served as a councilor on the Kolatill Council. Kentor Sarne, the Imperial sector Moff, recognized the value of Kolatill's extensive repulsorlift manufacturing industry for his military expansion. Consequently, he appointed Tetrum as the Imperial governor to govern the planet in 0 ABY. Tetrum implemented martial law on Kolatill and mandated that all repulsorlift manufacturers, except for the affluent and politically connected Ikas-Adno corporation, produce combat speeders for Sarne's military. Furthermore, he ordered the arrest of the entire Council, leading to Kause's imprisonment.

Kause remained incarcerated for a duration of eight years until 8 ABY, when he was freed as the people of Kolatill revolted and deposed Tetrum. He discovered that he was one of only three surviving members of the Council, and that the rebellion had been triggered by the New Republic's successful liberation of the sector capital of Kal'Shebbol. This victory had forced Moff Sarne to flee into the Kathol sector with his forces. The people of Kolatill requested that the Council resume their leadership of the planet, a request that Kause and the other two members accepted. The Council's initial action was to declare their allegiance to the New Republic.

However, this declaration, coupled with Tetrum's imprisonment, provoked a response from Imperial forces still active in the sector. The Imperial Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector soon arrived in orbit and launched TIE bombers. These bombers targeted the capital city of Domaz, causing widespread destruction and leaving the city in ruins. Kause and the Council promptly issued a distress call, urgently requesting assistance from the New Republic forces stationed at Kal'Shebbol.

Four days later, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar arrived in orbit around the planet and started deploying medical and relief teams to Domaz. Kause acted as the primary contact for the New Republic representatives, providing them with information regarding the attack and accompanying them as they surveyed the city. Kause desired to meet with Captain Keleman Ciro, the commanding officer of the FarStar. While the Council was open to meeting with him on the corvette, they insisted on a meeting on the planet's surface to display "appropriate symbolism." Kause and the Council also intended for the meeting to be broadcast to Kolatill's other cities to boost morale among the population.

While en route to the surface to meet with Kause and the rest of the Council, Ciro's diplomatic shuttle was captured by Imperial forces when the Kathol Protector returned to Kolatill to strike the planet for a second time. The combined forces of the FarStar and the fledgling Kolatill Defense Force successfully repelled the attack, preventing TIE bombers from targeting Kolatill's other cities with pathogenic bombs. Later, during a memorial ceremony to honor those who had perished in the battle, Kause and the Council presented the FarStar's new commander, Kaiya Adrimetrum, with coordinates to the planet Gandle Ott, believing that Sarne was heading in that general direction.

Personality and traits

Kause held firm beliefs in the principles of the New Republic and promptly declared his—and Kolatill's—allegiance to the galactic government at the earliest opportunity. However, he expected considerable assistance and support from the New Republic to aid his homeworld. Kause also believed in the importance of governments presenting a unified and stable front, as demonstrated by his insistence that Keleman Ciro meet with the Council on the planet to demonstrate their control of the situation and the support they had from the New Republic. He also intended for the Council meetings with Ciro to be broadcast across the planet to boost morale among the population.

Behind the scenes

Kause's sole appearance in Star Wars canon occurs in the roleplaying adventure Omens, authored by Bill Smith and included as one of the scenarios in The DarkStryder Campaign. Kause serves as the "face" of the Kolatill Council and as a conduit for relaying relevant information to the players.

