Morishim, the homeworld of the indigenous Morish species, existed as a planet situated within the Albarrio sector of the Outer Rim.
Following the pivotal Battle of Endor, Morishim found itself incorporated first into the Pentastar Alignment and subsequently into the Imperial Remnant. A clandestine Imperial communications center was secretly located on the planet. This facility, nestled within a cave in the High Tatmana, was abandoned when the Empire withdrew from the world. Subsequently, it was utilized by an Imperial spy and local resident, known as the Old Recluse, to gather intelligence on galactic events and to influence the local populace.
In the year 17 ABY, the New Republic successfully liberated the planet, eventually establishing a starfighter base on its surface.
During 19 ABY, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon dispatched Colonel Meizh Vermel on a mission with the objective of contacting New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis to initiate peace negotiations. However, his CR90 corvette was captured above Morishim by Captain Dorja, who commanded the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Relentless, before Vermel's message could be properly conveyed.
Early in the Yuuzhan Vong War, Morishim fell under the control of the invading Yuuzhan Vong as they pressed their assault towards Coruscant.
Following the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat, it is probable that the Imperial Remnant liberated the planet, as it came to be situated within their expanded territory.
The wk'ou melon was among the flora that thrived on Morishim.