The Mission to Morishim, an operation conceived by Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, took place in the year 19 ABY. The Imperial Colonel Meizh Vermel was dispatched to the world of Morishim with the purpose of finding New Republic General Bel Iblis in order to request discussions about peace. However, before his intended message could be properly delivered, his CR90 corvette was seized by the Star Destroyer known as the Relentless.
On Morishim, Lando Calrissian together with Rogue Squadron pilots Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson came across both an Imperial spy and a communications hub located within a cave in the High Tatmana. Their focus was quickly shifted when Antilles observed that the sensor station was showing an Imperial corvette entering the system, which was soon followed by an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Captain Dorja's ship, the Relentless, was deployed by Moff Disra to intercept and capture the corvette before Colonel Vermel could transmit his message to the New Republic.
Calrissian and the three Rogue Squadron pilots relayed the contact to the base, which gathered its available starfighters. The three X-wings and Calrissian's luxury yacht, named the Lady Luck, served as the initial line of defense, supported by other starfighters from the Morishim base and General Bel Iblis' Peregrine on the planet's opposite side. They quickly discerned that the Relentless was firing upon and jamming the corvette, prompting them to intervene and provide cover for the vessel, which they believed was attempting a defection. After the corvette was disabled and tractored, Antilles conceded and withdrew his group from the area. He then acted on Calrissian's suggestion to combine their communications equipment in order to weaken the Imperial jamming, which allowed Calrissian's advanced communications system on the Lady Luck to capture fragments of the corvette's broadcast for later analysis.
Both Antilles and Calrissian remarked on the unsettling similarity of the situation to the skirmish above Tatooine, where Princess Leia Organa's corvette had been captured by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer – an event that triggered the destruction of the first Death Star. Wondering if a similarly significant event had transpired unnoticed, Calrissian inquired of Antilles whether any escape pods had been launched from Vermel's corvette before its capture, similar to the one that carried C-3PO and R2-D2 (the latter carrying the stolen Death Star plans) to Tatooine's surface.
Vermel was held as a prisoner until Pellaeon discovered that Imperial forces had captured his ship. Despite the jamming from the Relentless, Zakarisz Ghent managed to piece together Vermel's transmission and forward it to Leia Organa Solo, who subsequently met with the Admiral at Pesitiin. This meeting laid the initial diplomatic groundwork for what would eventually become the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty.