Old Recluse's cave

The dwelling of the Old Recluse, situated on the planet Morishim, was a cavern. Unbeknownst to most, this cave served as a clandestine communications hub for the Imperial forces.


Within the High Tatmana lay the Old Recluse's cave. This location housed a fully operational Imperial communications center, complete with components for encryption and decryption, connection ports for diverse droids and sensor data streams, a module for monitoring space and planetary activity, and an independent Generations III power generator.


Prior to the Imperial withdrawal from the planet in 17 ABY, the communications center was established. The Old Recluse, an aged Morish individual and Imperial spy, resided within the cave. He leveraged the cave's technology to present himself as a prophet, aiming to influence and convert the Morishm inhabitants. Furthermore, he conducted surveillance on the nearby New Republic Starfighter Base.

Lando Calrissian uncovered the deception during a visit to the cave with Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson to hear the tale of the Caamas Firestorm. He detected and identified the scent emanating from the antiquated electronic devices.

