A starship found itself journeying through the Kolatill system in 8 ABY, a system situated within the Kathol sector of the expansive Outer Rim Territories. Simultaneously, the escort carrier Kathol Protector, a starship utilized by the Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne's military forces, attacked Domaz, the capital city on the planet Kolatill; around the same time, this other vessel suffered its own assault. This attack left the ship severely damaged, causing it to drift aimlessly between planets. A starfighter patrol operating from the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar discovered the abandoned vessel. The FarStar was in-system as it responded to a distress signal originating from Kolatill. The corvette's personnel then dispatched a rescue party to thoroughly examine the wreckage, hoping to find survivors within sealed-off, pressurized compartments.
This starship was referenced within "Omens," a roleplaying adventure featured in The DarkStryder Campaign, released by West End Games during 1995. Coming across this ship is presented as a potential side quest for players to undertake during the course of the scenario. The players have the option to search the ship in pursuit of any surviving crew members, although the gamemaster retains the authority to determine whether or not any are actually found.