
Officer Palme, holding the rank of Lieutenant, served the Galactic Empire under the command of Moff Kentor Sarne.


Prior to the destruction of Kal'Shebbol, Palme was stationed on Shintel for several months. During this period, he gained the confidence of Colonel Heget. Palme was activated when Sarne initiated his scheme to isolate the base personnel and ensnare the New Republic CR90 corvette known as the FarStar.

Palme led a squad of four individuals with the main objective of maintaining the base's isolation. Under Palme's leadership, they successfully thwarted at least one effort to fix the hyperdrive system on one of the cargo transports.

Upon the arrival of the FarStar, Palme presented them with a duplicate of Sarne's navigation data. This data, while authentically encoded by Sarne, was actually misleading. It would direct them to a large number of non-existent Imperial military installations, along with two locations referred to as D.Star Emperor's Revenge Site One and D.Star Emperor's Revenge Site Two.

The data's real purpose was to introduce a software program into the FarStar's engine systems. The next time the FarStar attempted a hyperspace jump, this program would initiate an engine overload, effectively immobilizing the vessel.

Personality and traits

Although he possessed a noticeable belly, Palme was a capable fighter.

