As part of his broader strategy to establish a network of supply depots throughout the Kathol sector, Moff Kentor Sarne founded Imperial Depot 4290-1 on the world of Shintel. Colonel Heget was in command of the depot during the year 8 ABY.
Situated in the northwestern hemisphere, Imperial Depot 4290-1 accommodated approximately 1,500 personnel assigned to ordnance and supply roles. Constructed on a bedrock foundation at the base of a mountain range, the depot was surrounded by a marshy environment.
The depot's infrastructure was divided into two primary areas: the depot itself and an adjacent landing field. The depot comprised a series of modular structures, including barracks, storage facilities, and hangars designed for AT-ST walkers. A permacrete trench encircled the depot for defensive purposes. A road connected the depot to the landing field, which was located some distance away. The landing field featured twenty-five TIE racks, command and control buildings, hangars, and fuel storage tanks. Its size was sufficient to accommodate a Corellian corvette alongside other spacecraft.
While the standard contingent at the base was 1,500 individuals, Sarne augmented this number to 2,000 by abandoning some of his less trusted troops at the depot. The depot's available air assets were limited to five aging TIE/LN starfighters and four cargo shuttles.
Following the events of the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, Sarne's fleet made its way to Shintel and the depot to collect the stored arsenal. Sarne also used this opportunity to modify the backup copies of his navigational data stored at the base. Finally, he completed his purge of personnel at the depot by taking those loyal to him and leaving behind those more loyal to the Empire.
Although Sarne did not initially plan to revisit Shintel, he recognized the potential future value of the base. He instructed his subordinates to secretly sabotage the hyperdrive engines of all hyperspace-capable vessels stationed there. Sarne issued orders for the remaining personnel to maintain control of the depot and construct a new landing field intended for blastboats. As a final measure, he established a blockade around the planet using Merr-Sonn Mark III Defender ion mines.
Upon discovering Sarne's actions, the base's personnel became divided into two opposing factions. One faction, under the leadership of Colonel Heget, recognized Sarne's actions as an act of betrayal. Heget was determined to re-establish communication with the wider galaxy, specifically Imperial High Command. Their efforts focused on repairing the hyperdrives of the available cargo shuttles. The opposing faction, led by Major Danthe, believed that Sarne would eventually return and that his actions were part of a larger strategy to ensure the depot's secrecy and security. Danthe's faction prioritized completing the construction of the new landing field, following Sarne's instructions.
However, a third, clandestine faction was also operating, led by Lieutenant Palme. Palme, an agent working for Sarne, had been tasked with uploading doctored navigational data to the FarStar. He also commanded a squad of four men who were intensely loyal to Sarne and were members of his personality cult. These men were active within both camps, and had sabotaged at least one attempt to repair one of the shuttles.
One week after Sarne's departure, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar arrived at Shintel. They successfully navigated a path through the minefield surrounding the planet and landed on the surface. Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum met with Colonel Heget and reached an agreement: the FarStar would transport Heget and an aide to Tanquilla Beach to report to Imperial authorities. In exchange, Heget would provide the FarStar with navigational data and information regarding Sarne's likely destination.
As preparations for departure were underway, Lieutenant Palme provided a set of navigational data to the crew of the FarStar, while his agents infiltrated the ship and attempted to steal a hyperdrive motivator from one of the onboard X-wings. The datacard contained a virus designed to cause a hyperdrive failure the next time the FarStar's hyperdrive was engaged, while the attempt to steal hyperdrive components was intended to cast suspicion on Heget.
Shortly after the attempt to sabotage the X-wing's hyperdrive motivator, the FarStar departed the planet, heading towards Tanquilla Beach. However, Sarne's virus caused the FarStar to become stranded in orbit, where it was attacked by Qulok's Fist. Heget, focused on his own objectives, ordered his remaining TIE fighters to engage in battle to assist the FarStar.