
The Devisors constituted the technocratic authority governing the planet of Exocron.


Originating as descendants of starship engineers from the colony ship Exocros Cabal, the Devisors were the initial settlers of the planet. Their primary motivation for settling was to escape pirates and quell the internal conflicts that plagued the ship's families. Upon establishing themselves on Exocron, they intentionally dismantled the Exocros Cabal's hyperdrives to ensure the colony's stability in its early years.

Over many years, this group transformed into a clandestine order that regarded technological advancement as inherently detrimental, leading them to prohibit all forms of space travel. They were convinced that such advancements would lead to the downfall of their civilization, asserting that any external contact would devastate Exocron due to their perceived lack of defensive technology. The truth was that the Devisors possessed advanced technological capabilities, including knowledge of spaceflight, and controlled a potent tractor beam capable of capturing ships in orbit.

The Devisors maintained a strict and oppressive rule over Exocron, facing opposition from those who believed they were being denied their rightful heritage. Technological advancements were only released to the general population after the Devisors had confirmed they posed no threat to their dominance. Only individuals entrusted with the secrets of advanced technology, such as the chief engineer and apprentices on Airfleet vessels, were authorized to maintain and repair the mechanical and technological systems.

Recognizing the power inherent in knowledge, the Devisors became increasingly aware of the technological progress of the wider galaxy over time, and their own relative stagnation. This realization intensified their isolationist policies. When the New Republic vessel FarStar discovered the planet in 8 ABY, the Devisors recognized the ship and its crew as a source of vastly superior technology and knowledge, thus posing a threat to their authority. They mandated the study of the ship, hoping to find a way to protect the planet from future dangers. In reality, their hope was that studying the FarStar would increase their knowledge tenfold.

Regrettably for the Devisors, the decision to detain the FarStar and its crew triggered a series of events that resulted in the resistance in Caballa City seizing control of the Ministry of Technology and destroying their powerful tractor beam. Consequently, the Devisors were overthrown, and the Ruling Council assumed governance of the planet.

Known members

