Exocron Airfleet

The Exocron Airfleet represented the terrestrial military organization responsible for planetary defense on Exocron.


The Exocron Airfleet utilized multiple large combat repulsorcraft vessels, in addition to several different models of skyfighter. The Supreme Admiral held overall command of the entire fleet. The fleet's primary base of operations consisted of enormous hangars located on the outskirts of Caballa City, the planetary capital. As of 8 ABY, the sky-dreadnaught Maxion, commanded by Captain Horzao Darr, served as the Airfleet's flagship.

Prospective officers within the Airfleet received training at a dedicated academy. Their uniforms were highly decorated, featuring ornate braiding and shoulderboards. As part of their standard attire, officers carried both percussion pistols and short swords.

A dedicated security force was maintained by the Airfleet. These personnel were equipped with percussion rifles that included a bayonet attachment, and they wore helmets for protection.


The Airfleet's initial purpose was to safeguard the ruling government against aggressive groups who opposed the Devisors. During the internal conflicts on Exocron, the Airfleet provided support to the Council forces. Following these conflicts, its primary focus shifted to defending against threats from the Corsairs residing in the western canyons.

In 8 ABY, ships belonging to the Airfleet made initial contact with individuals from beyond their world. This encounter involved the crew of the New Republic corvette FarStar.

By 19 ABY, the Airfleet had been superseded by the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet. However, Airfleet vessels continued to play an active role in Exocron's defensive infrastructure.

Vessels operated by the Airfleet

