The main military power for the Exocron system was the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet.
This organization came into being following the Exocron Airfleet. Its creation occurred after the governing council acquired intelligence concerning space travel and cutting-edge tech. The fleet was under the leadership of Supreme Admiral Horzao Darr, while Admiral Trey David served as his second. When Talon Karrde and his smugglers arrived on Exocron to meet with Jorj Car'das, the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet gave them an armed guard for their arrival.
When Talon Karrde departed Exocron, Rei'Kas's pirate group ambushed him. The Aing-Tii Monks and the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet annihilated the pirate fleet during the Battle of Exocron.