This male admiral, a member of the New Republic Defense Force, served the New Republic in its initial years. He commanded the task force that achieved the liberation of Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY, a planet that functioned as the capital of the Kathol sector. Moff Kentor Sarne, a renegade Imperial warlord who held dominion over the entire Kathol sector, was the world's ruler. After the successful liberation of that world, the admiral received orders to proceed to the Minos Cluster to meet with Sarin Virgilio's forces, and then to move onward to the Bozhnee sector to aid Admiral Ackbar in combating another rogue Imperial warlord. Prior to his departure from Kal'Shebbol, the admiral gave authorization for personnel and equipment to be transferred to the CR90 corvette named FarStar, which was tasked with tracking down Sarne following the Moff's escape during the battle for his capital.
During the early years of the New Republic, this admiral was a member of the New Republic Defense Force. In 8 ABY, he was given command of the task force that had the mission to liberate Kal'Shebbol. The planet served as the capital of the Kathol sector, and it was under the control of Moff Kentor Sarne, an Imperial officer who, after the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor four years previously, had established his own dominion. The New Republic had received intelligence suggesting that he possessed exotic weaponry, leading to the conclusion that Sarne's regime needed to be eliminated. While Page's Commandos conducted a commando raid on the surface of the planet to take down the planetary defense shield, the admiral led his forces into battle against the forces of Moff Sarne.
After the successful deactivation of the defense shield, the admiral capitalized on his advantage and completed the liberation of Kal'Shebbol. However, Sarne managed to escape, taking the majority of his forces with him into the depths of the Kathol sector. Once the New Republic had secured control of the planet, Lieutenant Judder Page, the commander of the commando team responsible for deactivating the shields, contacted the admiral. He informed the admiral that the rumors about Sarne's exotic technology were indeed true and requested resources to pursue and neutralize Sarne. The admiral was forced to decline this request, as he could not spare any ships. He was under orders to leave Kal'Shebbol within three days' time to rendezvous with Sarin Virgilio's forces in the Minos Cluster before heading to the Bozhnee sector to assist Admiral Ackbar in containing another rogue Imperial who was terrorizing the area. However, he did agree to provide personnel for such a mission if Page could find a ship.
Page succeeded in finding a ship—a CR90 corvette that Sarne had significantly modified for his own purposes, which they named the FarStar. Honoring his promise, the admiral authorized the transfer of personnel, and even a squadron of starfighters, to support the mission. Despite this, Page still had to recruit civilians from Kal'Shebbol to meet the crew requirements of the vessel. Three days following the liberation of Kal'Shebbol, the admiral led his force to the Minos Cluster to link up with Virgilio's forces, as instructed.
This admiral, a loyal officer of the New Republic, was both a competent commander and a skilled combat officer. He was true to his word, transferring personnel and supplies from his task force to support the FarStar's mission after promising to do so if Page could provide a ship for the mission. While he understood Page's desire to pursue Moff Sarne, he was dismissive of the claims regarding the warlord's possession of exotic technology, dismissing it as either nonsense or intentional misinformation.
This admiral made a brief appearance in the short story The Saga Begins, penned by Timothy Zahn and featured in The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games. The admiral is never visually depicted, but he does engage in a conversation with Lieutenant Judder Page via communicator during the story.