Q'Maere Research Facility

The Q'Maere Research Facility functioned as a scientific base, originally built by the University of Sanbra for the purpose of in-depth study of unusual areas of planetology and xenobiology. A segment of the original science team separated themselves from the main group and subsequently established the Qektoth Confederation. At some point during his time as Imperial governor of the Kathol sector, Moff Kentor Sarne secretly commandeered the facility, transforming it into a penal colony.


The Q'Maere Research Facility was architecturally composed of six habitat domes, each sealed, arranged in a hexagonal pattern, and interconnected through access tubes. Each individual dome was built with three distinct levels. In the event of a breach, each dome could be independently sealed off from the rest of the complex. Situated centrally within the arrangement of domes was a seventh structure, a landing pad, linked to Dome Six via a retractable access tube.

Dome One

Dome One operated as the primary Administration Center for the facility. The uppermost level contained the equipment for operations and communications, while the middle level provided office spaces. Following its conversion into a penal colony, the lowest level was repurposed into an interrogation and punishment area, referred to as the "disciplinary wing". The operations center was responsible for broadcasting a landing beacon with a METOSP.

Dome Two

Dome Two functioned as the Botany Center for the facility, with all three of its levels dedicated to the cultivation and study of plant life. The corridor that traversed the dome's interior was constructed of transparisteel, which allowed clear viewing of the plant life within.

Dome Three

Dome Three served as the Xenobiology Center initially; however, its function changed when Moff Sarne assumed control of the facility. By 8 ABY, the dome had been repurposed to provide staff quarters. The bottom level was used for personal storage, the middle level featured recreational amenities, and the top level was reserved for living quarters.

Dome Four

Dome Four, initially designated as the Climatology Center, was transformed into a prison block once Moff Sarne took control of the facility.

Dome Five

Dome Five, originally the housing block for the facility's staff, was also converted into a prison block. The Special Detention and Interrogation Center was located on the upper level.

Dome Six

Dome Six was designated for Maintenance, Repair, and Storage purposes. The facility's primary generators were located on the bottom level, and surplus food produced in Dome Two was stored here.

Landing pad

The landing pad was a sealed, hexagonally shaped platform connected to Dome Six by a retractable access tube that could connect to spacecraft. The pad was sufficiently large to accommodate at least two transports simultaneously.

Access tubes

Each access tube measured fifty meters in length and incorporated blast doors at both ends. The doors could be overridden and controlled remotely from the Administrative Center located in Dome One. Water, air, and power conduits were laid beneath the metal flooring of each tube.


The Q'Maere Research Facility was initially founded by the University of Sanbra to serve as a remote scientific research base. Several of the original scientists held radical views, and they departed the facility to establish the militant biotech engineering organization known as the Qektoth Confederation after a series of silicon biology experiments failed.

Following the scientists' departure to form the Confederation, Moff Kentor Sarne secretly seized control of the facility and converted it into a penal colony and re-education center. Inmates were referred to as "patients" and were treated as mentally deficient and unbalanced. Sarne staffed the facility entirely under the command of the Director, Doctor Langstyn Kraay, and included a military contingent drawn from the remnants of COMPNOR.

At some point during the facility's operational history, Doctor Vin Emil successfully developed an antidote to the bacteria mutation that was causing problems for ships traversing the Kathol Rift by spoiling their food supplies.

Shortly after the fall of Kal'Shebbol, Sarne briefly stopped at the facility. He transferred all military personnel and key staff to his own forces, leaving behind those he deemed incompetent. Many of those abandoned subsequently fled the facility in the few [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace-legends]-capable vessels available, lacking any loyalty to the Moff who had abandoned them. However, by taking all the functioning spacecraft, they left the facility isolated from the rest of the galaxy, effectively stranding both the prisoners and the remaining staff.

Several weeks later, the New Republic vessel FarStar arrived at the facility with the intention of replenishing its food supplies. Eager to escape the planet, Doctor Kraay took the landing party hostage, demanding passage off-world in exchange for their release. However, the FarStar personnel, aided by the prison population, initiated a riot and successfully seized control of the facility.

The FarStar was unable to transport all of the inmates and patients, although a number of them volunteered to serve as crew members on the vessel. Doctor Akanseh, the Chief Medical Officer of the FarStar, remained behind at the station to provide care for those affected and to atone for his own involvement as an unwilling torturer under Moff Sarne.

Confirmed personnel

Before Moff Sarne removed a significant portion of the staff, the outpost was fully staffed. By the time the FarStar encountered the facility in 8 ABY, only a small number of personnel remained.

