The B-7 light freighter, a creation of Loronar, was a starship that saw widespread utilization across the galaxy.
This vessel measured 19 meters in length and had a crew capacity of 1 pilot, 1 gunner, and 8 passengers, while also being able to hold 1 metric ton of cargo. It was armed with a single light laser cannon. A large, downward-folding loading platform was located below the cockpit, which was recessed beneath an overhanging part of the main hull. A radar dish was also present.
Production of the B-7 predates the onset of the Clone Wars by many years.
Early in his career, the bounty hunter Cradossk operated a B-7, which he had leased from the Guild.
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Grand Master Yoda acquired a B-7 freighter for transportation of himself, Jedi Padawans Whie Malreaux and Scout, and Tac-Spec Footman droid Fidelis from Jovan Station to Vjun for a meeting with Count Dooku.
In 3 BBY, the spy Aveca Dunn possessed a B-7 known as the Starhaven.
During the Galactic Civil War, one B-7, named the Muvon, served as part of the FarStar's contingent.