Jovan Station

The Jovan Station represented a space station that existed within the bounds of the Jovan system.


During the time of the Clone Wars, Jovan Station functioned as the main Galactic Republic space station located in the Gordian Reach, and it served as a place where those traveling from Phindar to the Auril sector could stop. The station played a significant role in the economic activity of the Jovan system. The station had the capacity to accommodate eight bulk freighters, and later Star Destroyers, for docking at the same time.

Imperial admirals plot in the Jovan station.

In the year 19 BBY, Yoda, who was a Jedi Master, made a purchase of the B-7 light freighter known as the Nighthawk from a junkyard that was located on Jovan Station.

Following the Battle of Yavin, Jovan Station was utilized as the central base of operations for Admiral Amise Griff's blockade that was placed on the nearby Yavin system. This had a detrimental effect on the commerce of the entire system.

