Amise Griff, a male Human who achieved the admiral rank, served within the Imperial Navy. He held command over the Sector Group situated in the Bright Jewel Oversector, and he also oversaw the development and construction of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought at the Fondor shipyards. After the Death Star was obliterated, Grand Moff Nox Vellam lost Griff from his staff, and Darth Vader, the Supreme Commander, personally chose him to be his adjutant.
Acting on the instructions of the Sith Lord, Griff infiltrated a group of disloyal Imperial officers who were plotting to give the Executor's technical specifications to the Rebel Alliance. Griff set up a meeting between the officers and their Rebel contact, Luke Skywalker, hoping to deliver them all to Darth Vader. While the traitors were captured, the young Jedi realized that the Dark Lord of the Sith was present and managed to escape the Admiral. Following his assignment on Fondor, Vader put Griff in command of the Blockade of Yavin. Not knowing his superior's intentions, Griff decided to prove himself and defeat the Alliance independently. In a reckless attempt to chase the Rebels, the Admiral initiated a hyperspace jump that led him directly into the Sith Lord's flagship, which had been waiting at that specific location. The resulting collision led to Griff's death.
Amise Griff, as the commanding officer of the Sector Group within the Bright Jewel Oversector, held the naval rank of Admiral and reported to the local Grand Moff, Governor-General Nox Vellam. After the disastrous Battle of Yavin, which resulted in the destruction of the Death Star battle station, he was reassigned to serve as an adjutant to Darth Vader, the Commander of the Imperial Fleet.

Initially, Griff acted as an agent provocateur on Fondor, a role he fulfilled effectively. He successfully infiltrated a group of traitorous Imperial officers involved in the Executor's construction, regularly providing Vader with information about them. These turncoats had become envious of Lord Vader's unique position in the naval hierarchy as the right-hand of Emperor Palpatine. Although they did not sympathize with the Rebels, they hoped that selling the Executor-class Star Dreadnaught's schematics to them would weaken their rival. By pretending to support the traitors' cause and effectively organizing their operations, Griff eventually rose to become their leader.
When Luke Skywalker, their Rebel contact, arrived, and Vader ordered his capture, Griff was prepared to arrest the traitors. Griff then befriended Skywalker and assisted him in his mission, while still pretending to be a Rebel sympathizer. After a period of time, he devised a new plan: to arrange a meeting between Skywalker and the conspirators to implicate them and create a trap for the Rebel hero. However, Vader insisted on personally overseeing the operation, and Skywalker sensed his powerful dark presence through the Force. Although Griff's stormtroopers managed to arrest the traitors, the now-alerted young Jedi escaped, taking the schematics with him.
Later on, Griff was given command of the Blockade of Yavin. This lengthy operation was characterized by conflict between Vader's supporters and Vellam's. Early in the operation, Griff cautioned that the blockade was not working and that the Rebels were steadily increasing their fleet, advocating for a decisive strike before the balance shifted in their favor. However, Vader was too focused on a plan involving a fake Obi-Wan Kenobi to commit to such an operation at that time, and Griff, stretched thin, observed his numerical advantage diminish.
When the Rebels later initiated their final escape attempt, Vader once again pursued his personal agenda, this time to leave a portion of the blockade intentionally weakened, allowing the Rebels to escape so that he could lure them into a trap, without informing Griff. Instead, the Admiral identified the flaw himself, dispatching three Imperial-class Star Destroyers to reinforce the breach and assuming personal command of this force. The Rebels, led by Luke Skywalker, managed to defeat Griff's fighters and escaped past his positions at the climax of the siege. He then took a risk and ordered an immediate hyperspace jump after the fleeing enemy.

With all the necessary information, the plan might have been successful. However, he brought his fleet out of hyperspace too close to Vader's flagship, the Executor, which had been secretly waiting for the Rebels at this precise location, resulting in a collision between the ships. Griff was killed, and the three Star Destroyers that collided with the Executor were destroyed by the impact; the Executor lost its shields but did not sustain any major structural damage. However, it was delayed long enough to allow the Rebels to escape.
Griff was an ambitious individual with limited moral principles, always prepared to capitalize on the mistakes of others. He was also somewhat vain, wearing an expensive fur-brimmed coat, in addition to his standard service uniform. Nevertheless, he was a competent, albeit sometimes somewhat reckless, naval commander, and a skilled agent with practical knowledge of ground combat tactics, which compensated for some of his other character flaws. To ensure a successful career, Griff "worked in [Vader's] shadow" and carried out his will. Although he proved to be a valuable subordinate and even flattered him, the Admiral eventually grew tired of the Dark Lord's command decisions and made his own, ultimately fatal, gamble for glory.
In the Classic Star Wars comics in which he is featured, Griff wears a nonstandard, all-red rank insignia, instead of a standard admiral's badge.