The SRV-1 New Republic Scout and Retrieval Vehicle refers to a tracked vehicle utilized by the New Republic in the period immediately following the Battle of Endor. It required a crew of two soldiers to operate, and also featured two functional turrets mounted above the cockpit area. Its carrying capacity allowed for up to eight soldiers, or an equivalent weight of three metric tons. The SRV-1 was eventually modified and evolved into what became known as the Scout and Retrieval Vehicle/Repulsorlift, alternatively designated as the SRV/R-1.
The SRV-1's design originated from a vehicle concept intended for inclusion in a proposed expansion of Kenner's Star Wars toy series, titled The Epic Continues, though this expansion never came to fruition. A previous iteration of the toy was conceived years prior as a vehicle unseen and used by Rebels on Hoth; however, Kenner's updated design was presented in two forms: a slightly altered version of the original toy prototype, and a significantly redesigned version showcased as concept art.
This vehicle, along with other toy concepts, became part of the Legends continuity through their inclusion in the "The Battle of Cadinth" story, as well as a roleplaying game article featured in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2.