The K4 security droid represented a droid design manufactured by Rim Securities. Considered a reliable model, it enjoyed considerable popularity within the Outer Rim Territories. However, it was known to exhibit targeting inaccuracies when moving at higher speeds. K4 units featured armored plating and an integrated blaster rifle.
The K4 was a security droid of the fourth degree, distinguished by its robust and trustworthy construction. Its design was largely humanoid, incorporating two arms and an elongated, box-like head. It utilized two self-balancing legs for locomotion, enabling relatively swift movement. The droid's chassis was armored, and its left arm housed an embedded blaster rifle.
Despite its generally sound design, the K4 possessed a minor defect that often resulted in a desynchronization between its leg movements and sensor readings when operating at speed. This issue could be mitigated through routine maintenance involving the alignment and cleaning of both the blaster rifle housing and the gyroscopic stabilizers within the autobalancing legs, although a well-aimed blaster shot could disrupt the alignment of either component. This shortcoming was frequently misattributed to a flaw within the K4's targeting system.
Rim Securities, a manufacturer situated in the Portmoak sector specializing in defense, security, and exploration droids, produced the K4. Their merchandise was distributed through the company's retail chain, DroidMart, which maintained locations throughout the Portmoak, Parmel, and Quence sectors. While the K4 achieved general acceptance, its prevalence was most pronounced in the Outer Rim Territories, reflecting Rim Securities' significant presence in that region.

The K4 was commonly employed by private enterprises and local administrations. For example, Spaceport Security on Lamuir IV, located within the Tapani sector, acquired several K4 droids to augment their manned security patrols. These droids were upgraded with SkillWare to provide them with familiarity regarding local law enforcement protocols. The droids also saw use among crime lords.
When the New Republic dispatched the FarStar, a substantially modified Corellian Corvette, into the depths of the Kathol sector in pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne, a contingent of six K4 security droids was included within the ship's droid complement. These droids, operating under the command of the ship's security officer, Gorak Khzam, were typically stationed silently at various posts throughout the vessel. Two were assigned to the command center, one to the armory, two to the landing bay, and one to the ship's engineering bay. Due to concerns regarding the potential dangers of autonomous droids, the K4 units were restricted to remaining on board the ship.
Individual K4 units were observed in diverse settings. One such unit formed part of the security contingent aboard the Hard Shell, a Class-7 Repair Vessel manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. Another unit, designated K4X4, was owned by Suraya, a wary black marketeer residing on the planet Tasariq who procured the droid to safeguard himself from potential retribution by Jabba the Hutt.