
Suraya, a Human outlaw, controlled the clandestine trading network on the planet of Tasariq. Once a smuggler operating in the Outer Rim Territories, Suraya incurred the wrath of Jabba the Hutt when he complimented a lieutenant who, unbeknownst to him, had become food for Jabba's rancor. Fearing for his safety, Suraya escaped towards the Coreward regions, eventually settling on Tasariq and establishing a black market.

On the very day Suraya landed, Governor Dem Keval revealed new taxes on goods from off-world. Possessing funds and connections, the smuggler quickly rose to prominence as the planet's leading black market figure. Suraya maintained a discreet presence, bribing Captain Kullan Velerinden for protection and acquiring a K4 security droid called K4X4 to defend against potential retaliation from Jabba. The reality was that Jabba had long since ceased to think about Suraya.


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