Loh'khar the Finder, a Twi'lek operating as a free-trader and an expert in procurement, was part of the FarStar's crew during their pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne. Remarkably, he possessed the rare talent of being able to locate almost any item within minutes to a few hours, depending on the complexity of the request.
Loh'khar claimed to have made an escape from Ryloth, running from a clan plot targeting him. After acquiring a light freighter, he transitioned into a galactic salesman, importing and exporting various goods from numerous planets. He established himself in different locations, creating networks of buyers to aid in acquiring needed goods, often positioning himself near urban starport hubs. Eventually, he would relocate and repeat this process.
During one such transaction, he came into possession of three Turazza eggs. Upon hatching, three Turazza sisters emerged and developed a bond with Loh'khar. He named them Rizzal, Vizzal, and Nizzal, and they worked for him, performing errands and gathering intelligence.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, he profited by trading with both sides: the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. He played a key role in the extraction of a Rebel infiltration team, led by Thella, from Kelada by arranging their transport off-world through Platt Okeefe and the Last Chance. Business slowed down under the New Republic, but remained profitable. While trading from his light freighter, Loh'khar made a stop at Kal'Shebbol. He attempted a deal with Moff Sarne, only to have Sarne steal his freighter. Relieved to have avoided imprisonment, he established a shop in the main starport, trading with the few freighter pilots who frequented the port.
When the New Republic announced their search for a crew to operate the FarStar, Loh'khar applied to Lieutenant Judder Page. Page initially turned him down, believing his skills were irrelevant to the mission. However, when he managed to acquire heavy-duty turbolaser power capacitors that the FarStar desperately needed, he successfully convinced the New Republic that his skills and diplomatic abilities would be valuable.
Loh'khar was always well-informed, keeping track of everyone and everything. He was skilled at making arrangements covertly through subtle manipulations, spreading rumors, and employing blackmail, all while maintaining a facade of honesty and integrity. Confident and composed, Loh'khar orchestrated numerous deals simply to gain favors from others, which he would later call upon.
The three Turazza sisters imprinted on Loh'khar as their "parent" and he raised them from the moment they hatched. They exhibited unwavering loyalty to the Twi'lek, serving as his messengers and agents in his various dealings. Some even speculated that they shared a form of telepathic or empathic connection with each other.