Palo Hidalla

Palo Hidalla, a distinguished Jedi architect belonging to the Jedi Order, is notable for their contributions. Alongside the most skilled individuals from the Galactic Republic, they conceived the Starlight Beacon space station—inclusive of its Jedi temple—and motivated other engineers and experts to take part in the endeavor. Following the launch of the station in 232 BBY, it functioned as a hub of operations and a symbol of optimism for the Galactic Frontier region of the galaxy until its destruction two years later.


Palo Hidalla designed Starlight Beacon, which launched in 232 BBY.

During the High Republic Era, Palo Hidalla, the well-known Jedi architect, was a member of the Jedi Order. The architect collaborated with the most talented members of the Galactic Republic to create the Starlight Beacon space station, which included its Jedi temple. Hidalla's involvement in the structure's design inspired numerous engineers and specialists from throughout the Republic to join the project. The architect's designs were then used by workers under the direction of Shai Tennem, the construction overseer, to build the station.

Starlight Beacon was inaugurated in the Galactic Frontier in 232 BBY. The temple that Hidalla created was second in size only to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Republic's planetary capital, in the galaxy. Like the rest of Starlight Beacon, Hidalla's temple served as a symbol of hope while also serving as a functional Frontier base of operations for the Jedi. Bell Zettifar, a Jedi Padawan, and Elzar Mann, a Jedi Master, considered Starlight Beacon's architects shortly before the station was destroyed when it was attacked by Nihil marauders in 230 BBY. Harli Cogra, a Jedi Master, mentioned Hidalla in the third chapter of Chronicles of the Jedi, a document written in 229 BBY that detailed the Jedi of the High Republic.

Powers and abilities

Hidalla, as a Jedi Order member, possessed the ability to wield the Force. The Jedi was famous for their architectural prowess, and their participation inspired many individuals to join the Starlight Beacon project.

Behind the scenes

The novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule, released in 2021 for Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, was the first time Palo Hidalla was mentioned. Soule verified on Twitter that the character's name is a tuckerization of Pablo Hidalgo, an executive at Lucasfilm Story Group.

