Ronhar Kim

Ronhar Kim was a Jedi Master of the Human species, identified as male, originating from Naboo. During the Clone Wars, he held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. Ultimately, his life was cut short due to the treachery of his trusted ally, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, culminating in his death.


Born with Force-sensitive abilities on the world of Naboo, Ronhar Kim was one of three sons of Senator Vidar Kim, who represented Naboo in the Galactic Senate. In his infancy, Kim was given to the Jedi Order, and only returned to his homeworld following the deaths of his mother and elder brothers in an accident. After constructing a lightsaber with a blue blade and achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, he encountered his father, who attempted to persuade him to leave the Order and pursue a political career on Naboo. Kim expressed sorrow for the loss of his family and his father's suffering, but remained steadfast in his commitment to the Jedi, declaring them as his new family. His father reacted with anger, leading to a two-year period of estrangement between them.

Sometime later, the two reunited on Coruscant, where they engaged in a discussion about politics while traveling in an airspeeder above the Coruscant cityscape. During their conversation, they were ambushed by an assassin riding a speeder bike. Senator Kim was immediately killed, while Jedi Kim leaped from the speeder and subdued the assassin. Kim attempted to interrogate the assassin, but the individual used a hypodermic needle to inject themselves with a lethal substance, resulting in instant death. Following his father's demise, Kim became the sole surviving member of his family lineage.

Ronhar Kim saves Palpatine's life.

Kim attended his father's funeral, which was held at the Naboo Embassy on Coruscant. There, he was approached by a young man named Palpatine, who had been chosen to succeed Senator Kim in the Senate. Kim expressed to Palpatine that perhaps his life, and Palpatine's, would have been different had he remained on Naboo as his father requested. Palpatine countered by asserting that the Jedi were of greater importance than any senator, and that Kim should not regret his choices. Palpatine then suggested that they could forge a strong friendship, mutually educating each other about the Jedi and politics. Unbeknownst to the young Jedi, Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who had orchestrated Vidar's assassination under the direction of his Sith Master, Darth Plagueis.

Around 32 BBY, after being recognized as a Jedi Master, Kim paid a visit to Palpatine in his new office as Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine and Kim engaged in lighthearted conversation and strolled through the Senate halls, accompanied by a pair of Senate Guards. They were approached by Senator Viento, who initiated a discussion about forming a personal guard for Palpatine. The Chancellor remarked that he was already protected by the Senate Guards, who then, ironically, turned their weapons on him. They attempted to assassinate the Chancellor, but Kim intervened, killing one guard and injuring the other. He attempted to force the assassin to reveal his employer, but, as in the previous assassination attempt twenty years prior, the guard injected himself with a deadly poison, resulting in immediate death. Master Kim recognized the connection between the two assassination attempts, yet remained without answers. As Master Kim pondered the implications of this connection, the Jedi Master chose Cerean Initiate Tap-Nar-Pal to be his Padawan

The Clone Wars

Tap-Nar-Pal presents their plan.

A decade later, the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems entered into a state of war. This conflict, remembered as the Clone Wars, saw Master Kim and his Padawan join the Grand Army of the Republic as commanding officers, with Kim holding the rank of General and Pal serving as a Commander. While the majority of the Order remained unaware of the Sith's involvement in the war, Master Kim possessed information gleaned from Jedi High Council meetings indicating the existence of a mysterious second Sith, the master of Darth Tyranus, also known as Count Dooku. Intrigued by this possibility, Master Kim was pleased when Padawan Pal conceived a plan to capture the elusive Sith Lord. Given the Council's belief that the Sith was concealed within the Republic government, Tap-Nar-Pal proposed testing all members of the Senate to determine their respective midi-chlorian counts, believing that the individual with the highest count would be the Sith they sought.

Kim and his Padawan presented their plan to Chancellor Palpatine in a refined garden setting, but Palpatine immediately dismissed the idea as overly controversial. He argued that certain Senators, such as Bail Organa of Alderaan, would object to the test on principle, but this did not deter them. Palpatine requested that the two Jedi delay suggesting the plan to the High Council until they could discuss it further at a later time. Kim replied that he and Tap-Nar-Pal were departing on a minor mission to Merson to combat pirates for a few days, and that they would refrain from informing the Council until their return.

Battle of Merson

Ronhar is killed in the Battle of Merson.

Almost immediately upon landing on the planet, Kim, clone Commander Dox, and his clone troopers were overwhelmed by battle droids. Tap-Nar-Pal, piloting his Delta-7 Aethersprite, and Republic Captain Gilad Pellaeon faced an overwhelming force in orbit. Intelligence reports had underestimated the Separatist forces by a factor of five; Palpatine, knowing their destination, had ordered Count Dooku to ensure that no one survived the battle. Pellaeon refused to land transports to evacuate the ground forces and decided to order a full retreat. Kim reluctantly agreed with Pellaeon and ordered Tap-Nar-Pal to accompany the Captain out of the battle. However, Tap ignored his Master's orders and instead dove his fighter into Merson's atmosphere in a futile attempt to aid Kim. The Cerean believed he could hold off the attacking droids long enough for Kim and his ten remaining troopers to escape, but he was quickly shot down and killed, his fighter crashing into the advancing columns of droids.

Kim briefly mourned the loss of his Padawan, then ordered Dox to engage the droid forces. He instructed Dox to die well, and the Jedi joined the clones in attacking the battle droids. Kim was shot down, wounded in multiple locations, and collapsed to the ground. As he lay dying, he realized he had been betrayed by the second Sith, before a B2 super battle droid shot him in the head, killing him.


Kim and Tap-Nar-Pal were publicly eulogized by Palpatine before the entire Galactic Senate. He exploited their deaths to incite further war efforts and enhance security measures, thereby increasing his own executive power. As Palpatine intended, Tap-Nar-Pal's and Kim's idea to expose Darth Sidious died with them.

Behind the scenes

John Ostrander suggested that Kim's birth year was 58 BBY.

Ronhar Kim's design appears to have been inspired by concept art for Obi-Wan Kenobi featured in The Art of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

