Milar Travis

Milar Travis served as a starfighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Along with fellow Rebel pilots Fin Danglot and [Keyan Farlander](/article/keyan_farlander/legends], Travis was under the mentorship of Puck Naeco by the year 0 BBY. In that same year, 0 BBY, Travis found herself stationed at the Great Temple, which served as the Alliance's base located on the moon of Yavin 4. Before the pivotal Battle of Yavin, she was present at a briefing given by General Jan Dodonna, the commander of the base. Dodonna detailed the Alliance's strategy for attacking the Galactic Empire's superweapon, the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station, outlining how the base's starfighter squadrons would execute the attack. Travis, a Human female with a fair complexion, blonde hair, and earrings, wore the standard Rebel flight suit. Her surname was displayed on her uniform via a name tape written in the High Galactic alphabet.

Behind the scenes

Milar Travis made her debut in Star Wars: Droids, specifically the eighth issue of the comic-book series by Marvel Comics. The issue was written by David Manak, with illustrations by [Ernie Colón](/article/ernie col%c3%b3n), and it was released on March 17, 1987. Years later, Jason Fry considered Travis, among others, for a retcon to fill the role of Red Twelve, a character previously unnamed, during the Battle of Yavin for the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare. Ultimately, Puck Naeco was chosen. However, both Travis and Fin Danglot were included in the book as a nod to fans. The source also provided Travis with her first name, "Milar," as a tuckerization of Star Wars authors Karen Miller and Karen Traviss.

