Fin Danglot

Fin Danglot was a pilot of starfighters who fought for the Rebel Alliance throughout the Galactic Civil War. In 0 BBY, before Puck Naeco's death at the Battle of Yavin, Naeco, also a Rebel pilot, served as a mentor to Danglot, as well as to pilots Keyan Farlander and Milar Travis. As a Human male, Danglot's height was 1.65 meters. During his time as a Rebel pilot, Danglot carried a blaster pistol and a comlink, and he wore the standard Rebel flight suit with a flight helmet and goggles.

Behind the scenes

Fin Danglot's character was initially brought up in the 1989 first edition of Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope by West End Games. Interestingly, the image that went with the character's entry was reused that same year in West End Games' Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back to go with the entry for Tenk Lenso. Jason Fry considered Fin Danglot, among others, as a possible character to retcon into the previously unnamed Red Twelve during the Battle of Yavin for the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare. In the end, he chose Puck Naeco. Nevertheless, both Danglot and Milar Travis were included in the book separately as a shoutout.


  • Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope (First appearance)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references

  • Jason Fry's Dorkery — EG to Warfare: Endnotes Pt. 10 on Tumblr (backup link)
