Roons Sewell, an esteemed general within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, previously held the profession of an actor. He was among the initial commanders stationed at Massassi Station. Celebrated for his bravery and dedication, Sewell garnered respect from those serving under him, notably General Jan Dodonna.
Sewell's beginnings were humble, having been raised in poverty within a grimy industrial city situated on an obscure planet. In his youth, he suffered a brutal beating at the hands of older boys, who left him for dead. Fortunately, a passing transport pilot discovered Sewell and brought him to a local medical facility. Sewell made a full recovery, returning to the streets soon after. A secret he carried until his passing was that, following his recovery, he lured the boys responsible for his beating into a trap, resulting in their deaths.

Years later, as a young adult, Sewell became a member of a local theatrical troupe. He would later confide in General Jan Dodonna that these were the happiest years of his life. It was within this group that he encountered his beloved, an actress named Masla. This period of joy came to an abrupt end when Imperial stormtroopers intervened during a performance, accusing the actors of subversive activities. On stage, Sewell defiantly continued his performance, becoming increasingly assertive. When Sewell, in a fit of rage, hurled a chair at the Imperial officer present, the stormtroopers opened fire. Despite Sewell's attempts to shield her, Masla was among the initial casualties of the ensuing massacre.
Escaping backstage and into the city, Sewell located the Imperial officers awaiting at the residence of Masla's mother. He lured them out, and they departed in their speeder, to which Sewell had affixed a robust chain. The speeder was torn apart, inflicting fatal injuries upon two of the officers. Sewell personally eliminated the remaining officer using their own blaster.
Subsequently, he lived as a fugitive, operating independently against the Empire. However, he recognized that to effect real change, he needed to align himself with the Rebel Alliance.

Eventually, the Alliance made contact. One of his early operations involved a small team disguised as Imperials, tasked with the acquisition of Imperial shuttles. This mission was particularly violent, resulting in the deaths of nearly every Imperial stationed there.
His service within the Rebellion proved to be exceptional, leading to his swift promotion to the rank of General, making him one of the Alliance's youngest. One of his initial responsibilities upon attaining this rank was the evacuation of then Captain Jan Dodonna following his defection. Although initially Dodonna was somewhat underwhelmed by the man he would be serving under, he eventually developed respect for Sewell's unconventional strategies and sharp intellect.
Shortly thereafter, Sewell and Dodonna were assigned the task of fortifying the Rebel base on Yavin 4 and initiating the formation of a space fleet. Here, Sewell's long-held aversion to small rodents caused him to behave erratically around the creatures native to Yavin 4. In one instance, dubbed the "Battle of the Bunkroom" by Dodonna, he attempted to eradicate several of the creatures using a blaster. Sewell soon grew impatient with his administrative role and embarked on an unauthorized mission, disregarding Dodonna's advice to exercise patience. With only a small squadron of Y-wings, Sewell conducted a raid on an Imperial supply depot, successfully acquiring a Corellian Corvette, twenty hyperdrive units, and a substantial amount of essential supplies and small arms.

His final mission involved a raid on an Imperial outpost to secure proton torpedoes. The raid was largely successful, but the team was forced to retreat into an asteroid field, where they concealed themselves. Following a lengthy and heated discussion with Dodonna, Sewell transferred to a Y-wing. Sewell intended to serve as a decoy for the pursuing Imperials, bringing along two remote-controlled fighters programmed to mimic his every maneuver. While he succeeded in facilitating the escape of Dodonna and the crew, General Roons Sewell was shot down by a TIE Fighter and perished.
Roons Sewell is an anagram derived from the name Orson Welles. Many facets of Sewell's character draw inspiration from the early life of Welles: his physical appearance, theatrical speaking style, passion for the theater, and rapid ascent through the ranks despite his youth. One could also contend that Sewell's downfall mirrors Welles' swift decline from Hollywood prominence. Furthermore, Sewell's battle cry of "Masla!", the true meaning of which remained unknown, is reminiscent of the dying words uttered by the protagonist of "Citizen Kane," a film directed by Orson Welles.