
Clatriffe, a Togruta archaeologist of the female persuasion, spearheaded an excavation on Dallenor, a planet situated in the Mid Rim. Her efforts led to the unearthing of a Jedi holocron, prompting the Jedi Council to dispatch Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker for authentication and retrieval.


Leading the Dallenor Excavation as an archaeologist on the planet Dallenor in the Mid Rim, Clatriffe was on a mission to discover ancient relics. Initially, the finds were limited to fragmented droid components, dating back a century, holding little allure for those outside the academic sphere. Early on, local pirates, notably the Krypder Riders, presented challenges for Clatriffe and her team, but these ceased when the pirates realized the artifacts held no monetary value.

Kenobi takes the holocron from Clatriffe as the pirates attack.

In time, Clatriffe's team unearthed what they believed to be a Jedi holocron. This discovery reignited the pirates' interest, leading to renewed attacks on the excavation site in an attempt to seize it. Clatriffe found it necessary to employ local inhabitants to safeguard the holocron, concealing it among the less significant finds. The Jedi Council was informed, and consequently sent Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, to investigate. Upon their arrival, Clatriffe greeted the two Jedi, entrusting the holocron to Kenobi. As the Jedi prepared to depart, the Krypder Riders, under the leadership of Hudso Shaku, intercepted them, demanding the holocron's surrender. Kenobi defended himself by brandishing his lightsaber, prompting Shaku to instead attempt to steal the weapon. The Jedi successfully subdued and incapacitated the Krypder Riders, departing Dallenor with the holocron.

Behind the scenes

Clatriffe's initial appearance was in Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1, a canon comic from 2019 penned by Jody Houser and brought to life by illustrators Wilton Santos and Cory Smith. Houser named the character as a tuckerization of Amy Ratcliffe.

