Ur-Sema Du

Ur-Sema Du was a Jedi Master of the Human species (a female) who served the Jedi Order during the decline of the Galactic Republic.


Ur-Sema Du and Kai Justiss fight a marsh haunt.

Ur-Sema Du, a Force-sensitive Human, underwent training in the Force by the Jedi Order. She eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master after constructing her green-bladed lightsaber.

When the Separatist Crisis between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems escalated into conflict on Geonosis, Master Du responded to the call from Master of the Order Mace Windu by traveling to the arid world. As a member of Windu's strike team created to save Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala from execution by the Confederacy's leaders, Du landed on the Geonosis plains outside the Petranaki arena. While her fellow Jedi assaulted the arena from the stands, Master Du went into the catacombs. In the humid silence of the insect-built structure, she became the first Jedi to meet the monstrous General Grievous, a Kaleesh cyborg ready to command the Separatist Droid Army in the upcoming Clone Wars. Du bravely fought Grievous, wielding her lightsaber against his electrostaff; however, she was defeated and killed by the General. Grievous took her lightsaber as a prize, leaving her body behind, his existence remaining unknown to the Republic until he was prepared to unleash his full power on the Grand Army of the Republic.

Behind the scenes

Artist Joe Corroney conceived this Jedi, basing her appearance on fellow artist Jan Duursema, from whom the character's name is also derived. The name initially only appeared on Corroney's website and was therefore not considered part of canon. This changed following its mention in Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous, which established the name as canonical.

Corroney and Chung later expanded on the known canonical details of Kai Justiss' life in Corroney's blog, "Drawing in the Empire." These expansions were inspired by existing depictions of Justiss and identified Ur-Sema Du as Justiss' master. However, as this detail has not been published in a canonical source, it remains non-canon.


  • Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (Picture only)
  • "The Story of Kai Justiss" — Drawing in the Empire — Joe Corroney's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • " Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous " — Star Wars Insider 86 (First identified as Ur-Sema Du)
  • "Endnotes for The Story of General Grievous, Part 2: The Knight Slayer" — Only Sith Deal In Absolutes! — Abel G. Peña's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
