Rig Nema was a Halaisi female Jedi Consular physician, offering her services to the Jedi Order throughout the Clone Wars. This widespread war saw the Galactic Republic in conflict against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
During this time of conflict, Grand Master Yoda became a patient under Doctor Nema's care. Yoda had begun experiencing auditory hallucinations, hearing the voice of the deceased Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. This development stirred concern among the members of the Jedi Council.
Hailing from Halais, Rig Nema was a female Halaisi and Jedi Consular. She worked as a physician at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant near the end of the Galactic Republic. Her work involved diagnosing a wide array of ailments, whether they were physical, mental, or spiritual. During the Clone Wars, Doctor Nema found herself responsible for the care of a very important patient: Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

Earlier, the small Jedi Master reported hearing the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, who had met his end at the hands of the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the Battle of Naboo. The other members of the Jedi Council grew concerned about Yoda's well-being and mental state. They believed that Jinn was dead, and they thought it impossible for anyone, even a Jedi, to maintain their individual consciousness after death. Ki-Adi-Mundi suspected that the Grand Master was experiencing "a deception by the Sith."
Doctor Nema conducted several examinations of Yoda in the Jedi Temple medical bay and determined that he was physically healthy. However, she noticed increased activity in a specific area of his brain and attributed it to his advanced age. Master Mundi, unconvinced, cautioned Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi that the strong connection between Yoda and Count Dooku—who had received training from Yoda—might have enabled the Sith Lord to infiltrate Yoda's mind and manipulate him.

Subsequently, Nema suggested a deprivation ritual, a rarely-used and potentially dangerous medical procedure, to help Yoda find the answers he sought. This involved placing Yoda in a tank and gradually reducing his oxygen levels, inducing a deep meditative state akin to death. During the ritual, Yoda once again heard Jinn's voice, which instructed him to journey to the planet Dagobah to complete what Jinn could not. Jinn's voice also advised him to travel alone and keep his destination a secret. When Yoda's vital signs reached a critical point, Kenobi instructed Nema to halt the procedure, which she eventually did.
Nema, Kenobi, Mundi, and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker then contacted Master Windu via hologram, informing him that Yoda was convinced he had communicated with the dead. Windu then sought Nema's professional opinion. The Jedi doctor confirmed that Yoda was physically sound but expressed uncertainty regarding his spiritual condition. Afterward, Doctor Nema advised Yoda to rest and left the room at Skywalker's request. While she was away, Yoda escaped the Jedi Temple with the assistance of the Jedi Knight. Nema and Windu were left to watch Yoda depart aboard his starfighter accompanied by Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2.

Standing at 1.8 meters tall (equivalent to 5 feet and 11 inches), Doctor Nema was a female Halaisi with [golden](/article/color] eyes and skin of a yellow hue. She approached her work with meticulousness and professionalism. While caring for Yoda, she performed multiple examinations to validate her diagnoses, consistently monitored his vital signs, and routinely updated the Jedi Council on his health.
She was willing to propose risky procedures, such as the deprivation ritual, to aid her patient. When Yoda's life appeared to be in danger, Master Kenobi instructed Nema to immediately cease the ritual, which she seemed hesitant to do. She had cautioned about the potential risks of the deprivation ritual and appeared surprised when instructed to stop it. Despite her reluctance, she complied with Kenobi's order.
Nema, a Jedi who wielded a green-bladed lightsaber, was also a skilled doctor and physician. She specialized in physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual equilibrium. Her extensive knowledge encompassed biology, medicine, Jedi healing practices, meditation, and the Force. This expertise earned her the trust of her fellow Jedi, leading Yoda to seek her medical and psychic insights after hearing Qui-Gon Jinn's voice. During her evaluation of Yoda, she acknowledged her unfamiliarity with his species' biology.

Jedi Doctor Rig Nema made her debut in "Voices," the eleventh episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' sixth season, also known as The Lost Missions. Catherine Taber, who also voiced Senator Padmé Amidala in the series, provided her voice.
Her first name is not spoken in the episode; she is only referred to as "Doctor Nema" or simply "Doctor." Her first name is revealed in the end credits, the episode guide on StarWars.com, and her Databank entry.
The character's visual design originated from an early concept for Mace Windu. Iain McCaig created the design during the pre-production phase of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, prior to the casting of Samuel L. Jackson.