Vivert Stag was a Jedi Initiate from a clan scheduled to construct their lightsabers on the planet of Ilum. This event, the Gathering, was to occur soon after the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY. Eager to forge her weapon, Stag initially traversed the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant alongside her friend and fellow Initiate, Mill Alibeth, as their clan prepared to journey to Ilum. However, Stag ultimately departed from Alibeth, joining the other excited clan members while Alibeth fell behind.
During their trek, Stag and the other clan members engaged in playful banter regarding combat with their future lightsabers. This caused Alibeth to become nauseous and collapse. Stag then returned to Alibeth, inquiring about her well-being. However, Alibeth was subsequently sent to the temple infirmary, preventing her from accompanying Stag and the rest of the clan to Ilum. Stag and Alibeth both survived the Galactic Republic's betrayal of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY. By the era of the First Order-Resistance War, the duo had become bounty hunters.
Vivert Stag, a Force-sensitive individual, joined the ranks of the Jedi Order as a youngling, eventually becoming a Jedi Initiate stationed at the Jedi Temple on the planet of Coruscant. She was assigned to an Initiate Clan alongside eight other younglings, including the Zabrak Mill Alibeth, who became her friend. In 22 BBY, shortly after the commencement of the Clone Wars, the clan dedicated weeks to discussing their desired lightsaber designs. This anticipation built up to the day they would participate in the Gathering, traveling aboard the Jedi starship Crucible to the planet Ilum to construct their weapons.
The day before the clan's Gathering, a bombing occurred on the planet Cato Neimoidia. This event dominated the attention of most adults in the temple, leading to the cancellation of regular training sessions. The following morning, all members of the group except Alibeth eagerly arose and consumed their breakfast rapidly. Stag informed Alibeth that adult Jedi were being dispatched across various star systems to quell unrest following the bombing, as many feared they would be targeted next. The protocol droid M-3M4 received a temporary assignment to oversee the clan. However, the younglings, aware that the droid typically managed adult visitors to the temple, outsmarted the droid before it could even introduce itself. Unaffected by the war, the rest of the clan dashed through the temple corridors towards the transport shuttle destined for Ilum, quickly leaving behind M-3M4, Stag, and Alibeth, whose connection to the Force amplified her sensitivity to the war's violence, causing her to feel unwell.
Initially, Stag lingered behind with Alibeth, urging her to hurry. However, as Alibeth struggled to keep pace, Stag eventually surged ahead, abandoning Alibeth to join the others. She paused briefly to give Alibeth a look, reiterating her plea for haste. Chanting "Gathering" repeatedly, Stag and the others reached the landing pad and the turbolift leading to the platform. There, Initiate Ami-Kat-Ayama proclaimed that her lightsaber would be a staff that she could twirl to defeat an entire line of battle droids. Stag ridiculed her, asserting that the droids would simply shoot Ami-Kat-Ayama due to her slowness in blocking multiple shots. As Stag mimicked twirling an imaginary lightsaber, fellow initiate Felix Yabir taunted her in an alien language. She retorted that she would deflect blaster bolts into his face.
The violent nature of the clan's banter exacerbated Alibeth's nausea, which had already been triggered by viewing footage from Cato Neimodia en route to the landing pad, causing her to collapse and vomit. Stag returned to her friend's side, placing her hand on Alibeth's back and inquiring about her condition. Alibeth forced a smile in an attempt to reassure Stag. However, Padawan Malera Quinn, assigned to escort the clan to Ilum, instructed M-3M4 to take Alibeth to the infirmary instead of allowing her to join her classmates in the Gathering.
As the Clone Wars concluded in 19 BBY, the Jedi Order were branded as traitors by the Galactic Republic and either killed or forced into hiding. Nevertheless, Stag survived and collaborated with Alibeth as a bounty hunter by the time of the First Order-Resistance War decades later. The pair maintained a friendly rivalry with fellow hunter Mwarr Ja'Randa, competing to secure more targets. On Life Day following the Battle of Crait, Ja'Randa captured not only the Jedi Rey but also the Wookiees Chewbacca and Lumpawaroo on Kashyyyk, intending to deliver them to the First Order's Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Ja'Randa anticipated that news of her three captures would incite jealousy in Vivert and Mill. However, her prisoners escaped before she could fulfill her mission.
Vivert Stag displayed excitement about building her lightsaber during the Gathering, engaging in playful banter with her classmates regarding combat techniques. She appeared unfazed by the violence of the Clone Wars, contrasting with her friend Mill Alibeth, whom Stag initially accompanied en route to the landing pad. Eventually, she left her lagging friend behind to rejoin her other enthusiastic classmates but returned when Alibeth collapsed to ensure her well-being. Stag had curly hair and pale cheeks.
Vivert Stag was conceived by author Mike Chen for his 2022 novel, Brotherhood. Stag and Alibeth were later mentioned by first name only in the comic book Hyperspace Stories 4 by Amanda Deibert, which was released on March 1, 2023.
After Chen publicly acknowledged the connection via his Twitter account, Deibert confirmed that the mentioned bounty hunters were intended to be the same characters from Brotherhood. While considered headcanon until officially confirmed, Chen speculates that Stag and Alibeth are not genuinely working as bounty hunters but are instead using it as a guise to aid the innocent, a concept that Deibert found appealing upon reading.