Mill Alibeth's Initiate Clan

A Jedi Initiate Clan existed in 22 BBY and its members consisted of individuals such as Mill Alibeth, Vivert Stag, Ami-Kat-Ayama, Felix Yabir, and the twins Alay and Mala Thurya. Following the Clone Wars' commencement by several weeks, the Initiate Clan had plans to participate in the Gathering, a custom where they would obtain kyber crystals for the purpose of building their personal lightsabers; this was to take place on the planet Ilum. Every Jedi Initiates within the clan anticipated the journey, with the exception of Alibeth, who was exempted because she fell sick and threw up after viewing holographic representations of the Cadesura disaster that occurred on Cato Neimoidia.

Behind the scenes

Mike Chen penned the 2022 novel Brotherhood, in which the Initiate Clan was featured. The clan members received their named from Chen's friends' children.

