The Mon Calamari male known as Aftab Ackbar piloted an MC95 Star Cruiser during the First Order and Resistance conflict, otherwise known as the war, in 34 ABY. This Star Cruiser served as the flagship for the Mon Cala fleet at the time of the First Order's arrival, whose goal was to destroy a group of fleeing Resistance members and set an example for the planet of Mon Cala. While aboard the cruiser, Ackbar gave the order for the Mon Cala fleet to immediately jump to hyperspace to prevent defeat. The cruiser, along with the rest of the fleet, played a key role in the reconstruction of the Resistance navy.
The MC95 Star Cruiser was equipped with both a hyperdrive and an engine. The cruiser also contained a pair of docking bays.

The Star Cruiser that the Mon Calamari male Aftab Ackbar used acted as the flagship for a fleet of starships. These starships were stationed on the planet of Mon Cala, under the authority of the Mon Calamari monarchy. During the First Order-Resistance War in 34 ABY, Ackbar's starship participated in an escape from the planet. This escape occurred during the final moments of a mission executed on the planet by the Resistance.
After the First Order showed up to eliminate the Resistance operatives before their escape, and to punish the Mon Cala inhabitants for supporting the Resistance by providing the starships needed to rebuild the Resistance navy, Ackbar commanded the fleet from his cruiser. Chieftain Nossor Ri made the sacrifice of distracting the First Order with his Mon Calamari fighter, which gave the fleet precious time. Realizing they had a small window to escape, Ackbar commanded the ships to immediately enter hyperspace, or risk being involved in what he called the "shortest battle in the history of Mon Cala." Subsequently, the fleet joined the Resistance and its navy, becoming a crucial part of its reconstruction.
Aftab Ackbar, the son of the late Admiral Gial Ackbar, was the commanding officer of the cruiser. As the Mon Cala fleet was getting ready to escape the planet from the attacking First Order forces, Ackbar understood that Ri's sacrifice had created an opportunity for escape. While commanding the fleet from his command chair inside the cruiser, Ackbar ordered the vessels to escape before the remaining First Order forces arrived.

The MC95 Star Cruiser made an appearance in the fourth issue of the 2019 comic miniseries titled Star Wars: Allegiance. Ethan Sacks wrote the issue, Luke Ross provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on October 30, 2019. In one panel, the ship was mistakenly drawn as an MC85 Star Cruiser. However, Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy confirmed that Aftab's cruiser was indeed an MC95 Star Cruiser.