Tikkes, a Quarren, served as a senator representing his homeworld of Mon Cala within the Galactic Republic's Senate. His tenure occurred around the time of the Invasion of Naboo. Prior to his senatorial role, he was a businessman, and his primary motivation for entering politics was to enrich himself. Despite this self-serving ambition, the Calamari Council approved his election. Although he initially supported the Military Creation Act, Tikkes later switched his allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Separatist Crisis. Consequently, Tundra Dowmeia, a Quarren loyal to the Republic, replaced him in the Republic Senate. Within the Confederacy, he acted as a representative for various entities, including the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps and Pammant Docks.
Even though he held a high-ranking position on the council and regularly participated in their gatherings on Geonosis before the Clone Wars, Tikkes never became a truly influential figure within the council. Instead, he primarily focused on attempting to persuade Mon Cala to join the Separatist cause. During the conflict, Tikkes offered advised during the Battle of Mon Cala, a failed Separatist attempt to seize control of the planet in 20 BBY. As the war concluded in 19 BBY, Tikkes, alongside the other members of the Separatist Council, met a violent end at the hands of Darth Vader on Mustafar, a volcanic world located in the Outer Rim.
Originally, in the early script for Attack of the Clones, Tikkes was named Tessek. During the making of both Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the same costume was worn by the actor portraying Tikkes and the Republic Senator Tundra Dowmeia. An uncredited extra played the part.
During the development of episodes for the Mon Calamari story arc in the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, concept artwork depicting Tikkes was created, but it was ultimately not used.

On May 30, 2012, Dave Filoni, the Supervising Director, shared an update about Tikkes on his official Facebook page. This update came as a response to a question from a fan during a chat on EW.com while the Season Four finale episode, "Revenge," was airing. The post explained why Tikkes was deemed unsuitable and removed from the final versions of the scripts for the Mon Calamari story arc.
In March 2014, Filoni published a post on the Official Star Wars Blog to express his appreciation to the fans for their support of the series before it was canceled. The post included sketches made by Filoni himself, intended for the unproduced seventh season of the show, which were drawn during one of the final The Clone Wars writer's meetings. One of the drawings showed several of the show's protagonists meeting with a group of Quarren in an unidentified city located above water. Filoni captioned the sketch with "Meeting with Tikkes on Quarren City."