Allegiance 1

Allegiance #1 marks the debut issue of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Allegiance. This issue was penned by Ethan Sacks, with illustrations by Luke Ross, and it saw its release on October 9, 2019 under the banner of Marvel Comics. Serving as a component of the Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker publishing initiative, the narrative presented is titled "An Old Hope," unfolding in the aftermath of the 2017 cinematic release, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.

Official Summary

PRECEDING THE THRILLING EVENTS OF STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER! With the FIRST ORDER relentlessly pursuing them across the galaxy, the RESISTANCE finds itself in desperate need of starships, weaponry, and new recruits to mount a final defense against KYLO REN'S forces. Driven by desperation, a delegation spearheaded by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA and REY seeks to persuade the Rebel veterans' former allies, THE MON CALAMARI, to join their cause. However, decades after enduring Imperial occupation and enslavement, some are willing to go to any lengths to prevent another war from staining the waters of Mon Cala with blood. Meanwhile, a system away, POE DAMERON and FINN embark on a separate mission: to locate a hidden weapons stash on the isolated moon of Avedot, unaware that they are being tracked by the galaxy's most infamous criminal syndicate.

Detailed Plot

Opening Text

Assault on Tah'Nuhna

The First Order arrives at Tah'Nuhna.

A fleet composed of First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyers, along with a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, appears above Tah'Nuhna, an ice planet situated in the Mid Rim. Leading this force is General Armitage Hux, who informs the leader of the Tah'Nuhna people that a Resistance communication originated from their world.

The Tah'Nuhna leader tells Hux that they maintain neutrality, but consistently offer assistance to those in need. In response, Hux commands his ships to unleash their firepower on the planet's cities. Before the complete annihilation, the Tah'Nuhna leader transmits a final message, alerting anyone within range that Tah'Nuhna is under attack by the First Order.

At the Resistance Base

On the junkyard planet Anoat, Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix intercepts the transmission from Tah'Nuhna and promptly informs General Leia Organa. C-3PO remembers that the Tah'Nuhna provided the Resistance with supplies following their escape from Crait, to which Leia replies that they paid the ultimate price for their generosity.

General Jonato, who is within earshot, advises Organa that the pollution on Anoat might have shielded the Resistance from the First Order's long-range sensors, but this concealment may not last if the First Order tracked them via Tah'Nuhna. C-3PO suggests preparing an evacuation strategy, but Organa declines, emphasizing that the Resistance requires more ships, weapons, and personnel to achieve victory.

Jonato briefs Organa on ongoing missions aimed at securing these resources, mentioning that Vi Moradi is searching for a more permanent headquarters; Snap Wexley is leading a reconnaissance team to locate remote shipyards; and Poe Dameron and Finn are attempting to acquire additional weaponry.

Organa decides that the time has come for an action she should have taken earlier—not a mission, but a "friendly visit." She requests Chewbacca to ready the Millennium Falcon for departure, and asks C-3PO, Chewbacca, and Rose Tico to accompany her, despite Jonato's reservations. Organa also expresses her desire for Rey to pilot the Falcon, believing that Rey would appreciate a break from scavenging for replacement generator components.

Rey, in the meantime, is engaged in combat with an Anoatian pit beast. She reflects that she initiated the confrontation with the creature, and is struggling to concentrate as she attempts to use the Force to hurl garbage at it and then establish a mental connection. The arrival of the Falcon frightens the creature away, and Rey boards the ship, taking the pilot's seat.

Finn and Poe's Assignment

Finn brawls with a Dashade at the Wayward Comet.

At the Wayward Comet refueling station, Finn is embroiled in a scuffle with a Dashade. Poe Dameron, observing from a nearby doorway while cloaked, scolds BB-8 for not staying out of trouble while Poe met with a contact. BB-8 beeps that it was not his doing, and Poe asks BB-8 to intervene. BB-8 trips the Dashade, providing a distraction that allows Finn to break free and rendezvous with Poe.

Poe informs Finn that his contact was successful. They now possess the coordinates of a concealed, decommissioned New Republic impound located on the moon of Avedot, which is rumored to contain a stockpile of weapons seized from pirates. Finn offers to retrieve Norik and Oron from the supply depot and meet Poe at their shuttle in the hangar.

As Finn departs, he accidentally bumps into someone and, distracted, fails to notice the person change shape, revealing himself to be the Clawdite Remex Io. Io recognizes Finn and uses a comlink to contact Kendoh Gang leader Kendoh Voss, inquiring about the value of the bounty on Finn. Voss, aboard a ship with Basso Mak and Wooro, instructs Io to tail Finn back to his ship and attach a tracker. Voss then contacts a lieutenant of the First Order, seeking to claim the bounty on Finn. After discussing the matter with General Hux on the Finalizer, who is pressured by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren to pursue the sighting, the lieutenant is ordered to authorize an initial payment on the bounty and warn Voss of the consequences of failure.

Arrival on Mon Cala

The Millennium Falcon exits hyperspace near the planet Mon Cala and lands in Dac City. Organa informs Rey and Chewbacca that their purpose is to repay a long-standing debt to an old friend. Upon disembarking from the Falcon, they are apprehended by a security detail consisting of Mon Calamari and Quarren members, led by Nossor Ri. Ri confronts Organa and her companions, reminding Organa of the death she has brought to Mon Cala's waters, and questions why they should not be executed immediately.

Production Details

Star Wars: Allegiance was initially revealed on May 4, 2019, as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker series. The announcement took place on and included the summary for the series.

The issue was brought to publication by Marvel Comics on October 9, 2019. A special Target-exclusive variant of the issue was released on Triple Force Friday, which occurred on October 4. This Target-exclusive issue was included in a Star Wars: The Black Series mystery box and featured cover artwork by Will Sliney and Guru-eFX.

Canon Implications

Allegiance #1 marks the first appearance of the TIE/se Bomber, a vehicle initially conceived for the second season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance.

Available Editions

  • UPC 759606094158; Released October 9, 2019; Published by Marvel Comics; First printing [1] 00111; Cover A; Artwork by Marco Checchetto 00121; Cover B; Image by Lucasfilm Ltd. 00131; Cover C; Artwork by Brian Stelfreeze 00141; Cover D; Artwork by Will Sliney & Guru-eFX

Cover Images

