Allegiance 2

Allegiance #2 represents the second installment in the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Allegiance. Ethan Sacks penned the story, while Luke Ross provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on October 16, 2019. This issue is a component of the Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker publishing initiative, presenting the narrative "Troubled Waters," which unfolds following the events depicted in the 2017 motion picture, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.

Publisher's summary

PRECEDING THE THRILLING EVENTS OF STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER! Relentlessly pursued by the FIRST ORDER across the vastness of space, the RESISTANCE faces a critical shortage of vessels, weaponry, and personnel necessary for a decisive stand against KYLO REN'S formidable forces. Driven by desperation, a delegation spearheaded by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA and REY seeks to persuade the Rebel veterans' former allies, THE MON CALAMARI, to enlist in their cause.

Plot summary

A frosty reception

At Dac City, General Leia Organa and her Resistance associates are met with an unfriendly welcome from a group of Quarren led by Chadkol Gee, who questions the reason for not eliminating them immediately. Chewbacca retaliates by choking a Quarren, while Rose Tico brandishes her blaster in defense of General Organa. Chadkol holds General Organa accountable for the tortured and killed fate of his family at the hands of the Galactic Empire. Another Quarren steps in, advising Chadkol to allow the King of Mon Cala to determine the destiny of the Resistance delegation. Chadkol retorts that it would be more efficient to drown them, sparing the King the burden.

In response, Rey raises her staff and challenges Chadkol to attempt it. Aftab Ackbar, the son of the deceased Admiral Gial Ackbar, arrives to de-escalate the tense situation. Aftab scolds the Quarren for their inhospitable treatment of their Resistance visitors. He reminds Chadkol that Leia is a revered war hero and that harming her would result in him being fed to the fish. Chadkol counters that being the offspring of a war hero does not automatically make Aftab one himself. Aftab retorts that being descended from traitors does not make Chadkol a traitor.

Chadkol warns Aftab to mind his words before angrily departing. General Organa embraces Aftab, remarking on how much he has grown since their last encounter. While Aftab is pleased to see her, he cautions that others on Mon Cala do not share his sentiments. General Organa informs Aftab that she has come to honor his father, Admiral Ackbar.

Honoring Ackbar's memory

General Organa accompanies Aftab to the Mourning Shrines of Mon Cala, which feature a prominent carving of Admiral Ackbar's head. When Leia assures Aftab that his father would be proud of who he has become, Aftab reveals that he had limited interaction with his father since his spawning, as Ackbar's attention was elsewhere. Aftab has studied his father's battles and triumphs. He inquires of Organa whether it is true that she was present with him at the time of his death.

Leia confirms to Aftab that his father remained a hero until the very end and expresses her regret that she cannot return his body home. While Ackbar's remains are lost in the cold expanse of space, Aftab asserts that his father's soul resides on Mon Cala. He expresses his gratitude to Leia for making the effort to visit his father's shrine. Leia clarifies that this was not the primary reason for her visit to Mon Cala.

Meanwhile, Rey, along with Rose, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, await Leia's return aboard a submarine. Rey complains about being at the bottom of an ocean planet and far from any action. Chewbacca responds with a roar. C-3PO suggests that Leia is being discreet. Rey disagrees with C-3PO's assessment and grumbles that she is safe while her friends are risking their lives for the cause. C-3PO points out that the submersible may be endangered by a crack in its hull. When Rose inquires about Finn's well-being, Rey attempts to reassure her friend that they are having more fun than they are.

The salvage run

In the meantime, the Kendoh Gang makes their way to the New Republic impound facility Base 354-23X on the Moon of Avedot with the intention of hunting down and capturing Finn. They aim to claim a First Order bounty placed on the Resistance fighter. Kendoh Voss briefs her fellow bounty hunters, the Aqualish Wooro and the Clawdite Remex Io, on their mission. Wooro speaks in Aqualish, prompting Remex to remind him that they are required to capture Finn alive but are free to eliminate anyone else. Given that Finn has backup, Kendoh instructs the Utai pilot Basso Mak to keep their ship outside the Resistance team's sensor range and to keep their weapons ready.

Elsewhere, Poe Dameron, Finn, BB-8, and several Resistance fighters, including Norik, Oron, and Tonkins, enter the base. One of the Resistance fighters notes that the base's security systems appear to be inactive. When Finn remarks that the mission seems to be the easiest they have encountered, Dameron jokes about tempting fate. While examining a derelict T-47 airspeeder, Finn suggests that the impound facility dates back to the Old Republic based on the dilapidated condition of the impounded vehicles.

Poe defends the trustworthiness of his contact and emphasizes the Resistance's need to acquire every weapon they can. When Tonkin suggests that they humor Poe, Poe assigns him to guard the entrance. Later, Tonkin questions the necessity of sentry duty but is ambushed by Wooro, who chokes him.

Rule by terror

At the orbital shipyards above Fondor, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren confronts a local leader. The Fondorian leader confirms that a Resistance contingent passed through Fondor but that they declined to assist them. As a consequence of making contact with the enemy, Kylo orders the nationalization of Fondor's shipyards by the First Order. When the Fondorian leader objects that the shipyards maintained their independence even under Imperial rule, Kylo asserts that the First Order has learned from the Empire's errors. Kylo Ren states that it is crucial to deny the Resistance access to weapons. He resolves to make an example of the Fondorian leader by decapitating him with his lightsaber.

Audience with the King

At Dac City, General Organa and her followers prepare to meet with King Ech-Char, the son of the late King Lee-Char. Aftab cautions Organa that the King may lack the resolve to provide her with the ships and pilots she requires. Organa dispatches Rey and Rose to join Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon to avoid complicating negotiations with King Ech-Char. When Rey offers to serve as her bodyguard due to their earlier encounter with the Quarren and Mon Calamari thugs, Organa explains that they are dealing with politicians, a realm in which she has experience.

King Ech-Char is unwell and connected to a life support system. He is hesitant to meet with Leia but ultimately listens to her. General Organa warns Ech-Char of the impending conflict and reminds him that his late father stood against Imperial oppression. Nossor Ri is hostile towards Organa, reminding her that his people were subjected to torture and imprisonment under the orders of her late father, Darth Vader. He asserts that the Mon Calamari and Quarren sacrificed everything for her cause.

Leia implores Nossor Ri and Ech-Char to trust her once more. She explains that the Resistance is in desperate need of ships and warns that the First Order's tyranny will extend even to the deepest depths of Mon Cala's oceans. Nossor Ri counters that it is the Resistance that will bring that darkness upon them. Ech-Char expresses his opinion that Leia is demanding too much from a war-weary people and decides to postpone the meeting until the following day. When C-3PO remarks on the unsuccessful meeting, Leia observes that she has never found encouragement in politics.

Meanwhile, Nossor Ri voices his concern that Leia's presence will endanger their people. Chadkol Gee proposes that they create the impression that Leia and the Resistance have overstayed their welcome.

On the run

Back at Base 354-23X, Finn's two Resistance comrades notice "Tonkins" approaching. When one of them observes that Tonkins appears ill, "Tonkins" shoots him, revealing himself to be the shapeshifting Remex Io, who is impersonating him. Io takes offense at the deceased Resistance fighter's comment about his shapeshifting abilities. As a firefight erupts, Kendoh reprimands Remex for failing to eliminate Finn's companion. Instead, Kendoh eliminates Finn's companion by throwing a knife that pierces his chest. Finn flees down a corridor.

Meanwhile, Poe and BB-8 discover a cache of weapons but hear blaster fire. Finn informs Poe that they have a problem before diving into the storeroom and sealing the blast doors, trapping the bounty hunters on the other side. When Finn remarks that sealing the door should provide them with enough time to devise an escape plan, Poe points out that the only exit is through the door. Kendoh issues an ultimatum for Finn to surrender but states that they are prepared to bring him in dead. Finn realizes that the hunters are unaware of Poe's presence and conceives an idea.

Rising stakes

While Rey, Chewbacca, and Rose are loading crates onto the Millennium Falcon, they are ambushed by a mob of armed Quarren wielding staffs, who inform the offworlders that they were warned to leave. Rose attempts to reason with the Quarren, explaining that they are on a diplomatic mission and do not seek conflict. Rey recognizes that the mob is intent on bloodshed and brandishes her staff in self-defense.

Chewbacca joins the fray, knocking two Quarren together. Rose also incapacitates one of the Quarren with an electric tool. As Rey battles three Quarren, Chadkol Gee observes and orders his subordinate to establish a secure communication line to General Armitage Hux. The subordinate attempts to remind him that General Nossor Ri would disapprove, but Chadkol threatens to feed his companion to cavern eels if he disobeys. Hux inquires whether the matter is significant enough for Gee to contact him directly. Chadkol Gee informs Hux that he possesses information of great importance to the First Order.



  • UPC 759606094158; October 16 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00211; Cover A; Marco Checchetto 00221; Cover B; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00231; Cover C; Luke Ross & Guru-eFX

