Aqualish was the language used by the species also known as Aqualish. To human ears, the language was reminiscent of nerf vocalizations. As stated by C-3PO, the protocol droid who boasted fluency in over six million communication methods, a novice Aqualish interpreter might easily mix up the words for "seven" and "seventeen." Sabine Wren, the Mandalorian arms specialist who opposed the Galactic Empire, possessed the ability to speak Aqualish. During a mission aimed at acquiring a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles from the Empire, Wren leveraged her linguistic skills to intentionally misrepresent a conversation between Maketh Tua and the Aqualish arms merchant Amda Wabo, directing Tua to the incorrect docking bay.
It had some structural resemblances to both Huttese and Rodian, such that familiarity with one of these languages would simplify the process of learning the others.