Kaydel Ko Connix

Kaydel Ko Connix was a human female who existed during the time of the New Republic, and later, the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance. Born on the world of Dulathia, Connix eventually became a member of the Resistance; and was stationed at their D'Qar base. She served under General Leia Organa, a veteran of the Rebel Alliance and the commanding officer of the Resistance, working as an operations controller within Fleet Command.

Following the Battle of Starkiller Base, Connix was promoted to the rank of lieutenant due to her service. Foreseeing a counterattack by the First Order, Connix was given the responsibility of overseeing the D'Qar evacuation. Barely escaping the planet before the base's destruction, she returned to her duties as a sensor ops officer on the Star Cruiser Raddus.

During the flight of the Resistance fleet, Connix was among the officers who aided Poe Dameron's act of treason against Admiral Holdo. However, their efforts were unsuccessful when Organa incapacitated Dameron herself. Despite this act of mutiny, Connix and Dameron continued to serve the Resistance during the Battle of Crait, and were among the small number of survivors who escaped the battle aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Connix remained a lieutenant within the Resistance, leaving her past as a mutineer behind and regaining Organa's trust. She assisted in establishing the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss, and later fought in the battle of Exegol. After surviving, she celebrated with the rest of the Resistance forces.


Outbreak of war

Connix earned a promotion to lieutenant as a result of her service during the Starkiller crisis.

Kaydel Ko Connix, born circa 13 ABY, was native to the world of Dulathia. As political tensions increased between the New Republic and the First Order, Leia Organa opposed the latter by creating a private military organization known as the Resistance to monitor their activities. Connix eventually became a member of the naval branch of the Resistance, and was assigned to Fleet Command. By 34 ABY, Connix was working as an operations controller directly under Organa's command, who held the rank of general as the leader of the Resistance.

Following the Hosnian Cataclysm and the Battle of Takodana, the Resistance attacked Starkiller Base in an attempt to destroy the superweapon. During this battle, Connix managed communications between the resistance pilots and their commanders from the Resistance base on D'Qar. After Starkiller Base was destroyed, Connix was promoted to lieutenant in recognition of her service as an operations controller; and was given the job of overseeing the D'Qar evacuation; focusing on recovering supplies and organizing an orderly retreat. She remained on the planet when the First Order Navy invaded the system. The Dreadnought Fulminatrix destroyed the base from orbit, but Connix narrowly escaped on one of the last shuttles to depart. After boarding the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus, she resumed her role as an operations controller.

Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, Connix oversaw the preparations to evacuate D'Qar.

As the Resistance fleet fled the First Order, including the First Order's flagship Supremacy, Poe Dameron asked Connix for her help with an unauthorized mission—to assist Finn and Rose Tico in disabling the First Order's hyperspace tracking system. Using her position on the ship's bridge, Connix made sure their departure went unnoticed by Vice Admiral Holdo. After learning of Holdo's plan to evacuate the Raddus' crew, Connix and other Resistance officers supported Dameron's mutiny against Holdo. With the admiral and her supporters held at blaster point, Connix and Dameron took control of the bridge. However, Organa, having recovered, confronted them. The general used the stun setting on her blaster to shoot Dameron and accepted Connix's surrender.

Despite her involvement in the conspiracy against Holdo, Connix continued to serve the Resistance and was among the survivors who took control of an abandoned Rebel Alliance outpost on Crait. The following battle resulted in the near destruction of the Resistance. However, Connix managed to escape with Organa, Dameron, and other survivors aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Further service

Connix assisted in the construction of the Resistance Base located on Ajan Kloss.

After the battle on Crait, Connix moved past the mutiny. Organa still trusted her, and she kept her rank, although the general was disappointed that Connix had supported Dameron's actions. However, Organa knew she had good intentions and forgave her. While at the Resistance Camp on the garbage planet of Anoat, Connix witnessed the destruction of Tah'Nuhna and informed General Organa. She also assured Organa that the General had done everything she could and it wasn't her fault, pointing at their main mission of protecting as many as they can as long as they were still alive. Later, she also informed General Jonato about a First Order armada heading towards Mon Cala where General Organa, Rey, Rose Tico, and C-3PO had gone on a mission. Jonato wanted to contact and warn Organa but Connix informed him that the First Order was also blocking communication across the system.

Connix during the Battle of Exegol.

At a later time, Connix helped Tico and Beaumont Kin set up a new base on Ajan Kloss. In 35 ABY, when the Resistance learned of Darth Sidious' return on the Sith world Exegol, they deployed a force to destroy him before he could escape. Connix, along with Tico and Kin, participated in the assault on the Sith Eternal's navigation tower on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. During the assault, Connix injured her leg and was helped back to the Fortitude by Kin. She later celebrated the First Order's defeat at the Resistance base alongside Tico and Kin.

Personality and traits

Connix sporting blonde buns and a junior controller's uniform circa 34 ABY.

Kaydel Ko Connix was a human female with fair skin, brown eyes, and blonde hair styled in two buns. By 35 ABY, Connix's hair had turned brown. Like many female members of the Resistance, she was inspired by Resistance leader Princess Leia's hairstyle, wearing her hair wrapped around her head like a crown. Her performance as an operations controller was well-regarded by her superiors, leading to her promotion to lieutenant. However, while serving under Amilyn Holdo, Connix shared Poe Dameron's doubts about the Vice Admiral's leadership style. Her support for Dameron led her to participate in activities ranging from conspiracy to outright rebellion against Holdo. After leaving the Raddus during the First Order's attack on the Resistance fleet, Connix believed Holdo was attempting to save herself. In reality, Holdo intended to ram the Supremacy.


As a Resistance officer, Connix wore a brown junior controller's uniform, a comlink headset, and carried a blaster pistol. After her promotion, Connix received a brown officer's uniform, including her lieutenant rank badge.

Behind the scenes

Billie Lourd is the daughter of Carrie Fisher, the actress who portrayed Princess Leia Organa.

Billie Lourd played Kaydel Ko Connix in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Lourd is the daughter of Carrie Fisher, who portrayed Leia Organa in the Star Wars saga. She initially auditioned for the main role of Rey, but lost out to Daisy Ridley. As a result, The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams created the character of Connix specifically for Lourd.

The character was credited as "Lieutenant Connix" in the end credits of The Force Awakens, and identified as "Kaydel Ko" in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book by Pablo Hidalgo released alongside the film. The name "Kaydel" comes from Kay Hidalgo, a combination of her first name and the start of her maiden name, "Del."

