The Jerjerrods were a prosperous human family originating from Tinnel IV, a Core World. In the era of the Galactic Empire, also known as the age of the Empire, Tiaan Jerjerrod held the position of Imperial Moff and supervised the building of the second Death Star battle station. Many Decades afterwards, Jax Jerjerrod, the Moff's son, along with his wife Jul, both functioned as security officers within the First Order, a military dictatorship aiming to topple the New Republic and revive the Empire's heritage. Conversely, their son, Jothan Tiaan, was secretly a cadet within the Resistance, a clandestine military organization monitoring the First Order. The Jerjerrods, having maintained their dedication to the concepts championed by the Galactic Empire even after its brought down, were regarded as part of the First Order's upper echelon.