Grand Marshal was a military rank utilized by both the Kingdom of Shu-Torun and the First Order. Within the armed forces of the First Order, this rank was on par with that of an Allegiant General.
The military rank of Grand Marshal was present in both the Kingdom of Shu-Torun and the First Order. On Shu-Torun, the Grand Marshal was responsible for reporting security updates to the Queen. Regarding the armed forces of the First Order, the Grand Marshal's rank was considered higher than a General and equivalent to that of the Allegiant General. Both ranks allowed the designated officer to oversee both space and land-based resources.

This title was in use within the Kingdom of Shu-Torun during the Imperial Era, around the time of 2 ABY. An individual possessed this title during a Rebel Alliance mission to Shu-Torun. This individual reported to Queen Trios when the planet's security measures were locked down by an Alliance team, which was under the leadership of Leia Organa.
During the New Republic Era, First Order General Armitage Hux had aspirations to become a Grand Marshal, especially since his authority surpassed his official rank in the First Order at the time. However, Supreme Leader [Snoke](/article/snoke] denied Hux this promotion. By 35 ABY, after Kylo Ren became Supreme Leader and uncovered Allegiant General Enric Pryde of the second wave of First Order leadership, placing him at the forefront of First Order High Command, Hux's focus shifted from obtaining the title of Grand Marshal to seeking revenge against Ren.