Domaric Quinn

Domaric Quinn was a human male. He initially served the Galactic Empire as a junior officer. Later, he ascended to the rank of general and became a pivotal commander of ground forces within the First Order. He was chosen to be a member of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's Supreme Council. However, he struggled to suppress his misgivings regarding Ren's dependence on mysticism.

In the year 35 ABY, during a council assembly aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer named Steadfast, he openly questioned Ren about the First Order's alliance with the Sith Eternal cult and their fleet, known as the Final Order, stationed on Exegol. Ren silenced Quinn by employing the Force to choke him and violently throw him against the ceiling, which resulted in his death.


Surviving the Empire

Domaric Quinn served on the First Order's Supreme Council.

Domaric Quinn was born sometime before 5 BBY during the Imperial Era. He was a human male who began his military career as a junior officer within the Imperial Officer Corps of the Galactic Empire during its reign, specifically within the Imperial Army. After the Empire's fall, Quinn was among the former Imperials who joined the First Order. He continued his service as a junior officer, eventually achieving the military rank of commander, and subsequently rose to the rank of general, becoming a significant ground force commander for the Order.

General Quinn and his forces greatly benefited from the First Order's ambitious military expansion. Initially, this build-up was modest, but it became more pronounced as the Order gained confidence. Thanks to the Sonn-Blas Corporation and contributions from trade allies, the First Order had facilities in the Inner Rim and Outer Rim Territories that produced weapons and munitions. Consequently, General Quinn and his forces were among the best-equipped in the galaxy as the First Order aimed to conquer more territory under the guise of spreading civilization in the Unknown Regions and bordering systems of the New Republic. Quinn served under Supreme Leader Snoke until Snoke's death during the Battle of Crait in 34 ABY. Following this, he served under Snoke's successor, Kylo Ren.

When Ren established a First Order Supreme Council to aid in planning the First Order's future, Quinn was granted a seat. In 35 ABY, he attended a council meeting aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. Ren presented the council with the head of Boolio, a Resistance sympathizer, and announced the presence of a traitor within their ranks. However, the recent discovery of Darth Sidious' survival on the planet Exegol and the promise of a Sith fleet to reinforce the First Order rendered the Supreme Leader unconcerned.

Taking it too far

General Domaric Quinn was killed by the Supreme Leader for questioning him.

Quinn proceeded to question the First Order's alliance with the Sith Eternal on Exegol, deriding them as a cult of conjurers and soothsayers. Allegiant General Enric Pryde rebuked him, highlighting the significant increase in resources that the alliance with the Sith would provide. However, Quinn persisted, asking Ren what the Emperor wanted in exchange for the fleet.

Sidious indeed desired something in return: the death of the Jedi Padawan Rey. However, Ren intended to turn her to the dark side and betray the Sith Lord. Quinn was abruptly silenced when Ren used the Force to choke him, then slam him against the conference room ceiling. The impact caused a loud fracture in Quinn's body, and Supreme Leader Ren slowly choked the general to death. He then instructed the other officers present to focus on crushing all remaining resistance to the First Order while he hunted down Rey with the Knights of Ren.

Personality and characteristics

Quinn possessed the heart of a technologist. He favored logic-based solutions validated by intricate computer simulations in his battle strategies. During his service in the Galactic Empire, Quinn regarded the Jedi as a myth, dismissing stories of the Force as hearsay, propaganda, and exaggeration, a sentiment shared by other officers who had never witnessed the powers of Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine. Quinn firmly believed in technological superiority above all else.

He disagreed with Snoke's dependence on mysticism but kept his opinions to himself. Under Kylo Ren, the general grew frustrated by the fact that the Supreme Leader was more than ten years his junior. He struggled to control his temper, openly questioning Ren about his alliance with the Sith Eternal, whom he considered mere conjurers and soothsayers, in front of the Supreme Council. During this exchange, Quinn's voice was filled with contempt. Quinn was a human male with light skin, blue eyes, and black hair.


Domaric Quinn wore a black First Order officer's uniform with a black belt, boots, and gloves. The left sleeve of his uniform displayed the double-banded rank insignia of a general.

Behind the scenes

Domaric Quinn was played by Simon Paisley Day in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the concluding installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. His surname was revealed in the film's end credits, while his first name was disclosed in the companion reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

According to Day, the dialogue for his scene was altered between rehearsal and filming. Director J.J. Abrams instructed him to speak to Adam Driver in a challenging yet respectful tone, avoiding shouting or visible anger, based on the rationale that, within the Star Wars universe, this was likely not the first time Quinn had challenged Kylo Ren's orders. Day told Star Wars Insider he is proud of his brief role.

