The Royal Slave Auction, orchestrated by the Zygerrian Slave Empire, functioned as a marketplace for slaves, catering to clients from across the galaxy. Following the Jedi's dismantling of the Zygerrians' power and their slave trade operations, the auction was suspended for a considerable duration. During the Clone Wars, Queen Miraj Scintel of Zygerria formed an alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems to abduct the Togruta colonists of Kiros, with the goal of reviving the auction and restoring the Slave Empire. Nevertheless, the auction was interrupted by a covert Galactic Republic team dispatched on a mission to liberate the kidnapped colonists.

For millennia preceding the onset of the Clone Wars, the Royal Slave Auction was a recurring event. The Zygerrian Slave Empire supplied slaves of diverse species to buyers throughout the galaxy. Sometime before the Separatist Crisis, the Jedi Order intervened, effectively ending the Zygerrians' slave trading activities.
In 20 BBY, Queen [Miraj Scintel](/article/miraj_scintel], aiming to reestablish Zygerria as a powerful slave-trading state, reestablished the auction. This was achieved by kidnapping Togruta colonists from the planet Kiros, with the assistance of the Confederacy of Independent Systems amidst the ongoing Clone Wars. Simultaneously, the Galactic Republic and Jedi dispatched an undercover team to Zygerria, tasked with locating the missing colonists. This team consisted of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, and the astromech droid R2-D2. Kenobi was captured by the Zygerrians while attempting to rescue Governor Gupat Roshti of Kiros and was subsequently displayed as a captive at the auction. Skywalker, posing as an enslaver named Lars Quell, was instructed by Scintel to whip Kenobi to verify his identity. He then revealed his true identity in an attempt to free his former master. The resulting conflict disrupted the auction, leading to the capture of Skywalker, Kenobi, Tano, and Rex. Scintel then attempted to make Skywalker her personal slave bodyguard.
Following the arrival of Count Dooku, who intended to order Scintel to execute the Jedi, Skywalker eventually escaped. The Sith Lord ultimately used the Force choke to fatally wound the queen and falsely accused Skywalker of the act. However, Skywalker escaped with Tano and R2-D2, managing to persuade the dying queen to reveal that the colonists, along with Kenobi and Rex, had been sent to Kadavo. Skywalker and Tano then embarked on a mission to rescue Kenobi, Rex, and the colonists, supported by Jedi General Plo Koon and his forces.
The Royal Slave Auction was initially mentioned in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 4 episode "Kidnapped," and made its first appearance in the subsequent episode, "Slaves of the Republic."