Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Four

Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Four, made available by Warner Home Video on October 23, 2012, is a Blu-ray set consisting of three discs, or a DVD set with four discs, that contains the fourth season (20112012) of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program.


  • All 22 episodes from Season Four; Director's Cuts for the episodes " Carnage of Krell ," " Escape from Kadavo ," " Massacre ," and " Bounty "
  • This release featured five video commentaries: "The Battle of Mon Cala" "Darkened World of Umbara" "The Slaves of Zygerria" "Obi-Wan Undercover" "Darth Maul Returns"
  • The "Jedi Temple Archives" is an exclusive feature contained only on the Blu-ray edition.

The DVD edition has hidden Easter eggs within the Episodes menu:




  • provides information about The Clone Wars Season 4 Available October 23 on Blu-ray and DVD (backup link)

Notes and references
