A clone trooper pilot named Engle fought under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi throughout the Clone Wars. In the year 19 BBY, General Grievous led a Separatist armada in an attack against Kenobi's fleet. As the battle raged, Engle piloted his Y-wing starfighter to execute bombing runs against Separatist warships, while another clone pilot, known as "Killer," offered covering fire. Engle's gunner also managed to take down vulture droids during the engagement. Tragedy struck when Killer was killed, after which Engle's Y-wing was targeted and destroyed by vulture droids. Ultimately, Engle's ship crash-landed within the _[Negotiator]'_s hangar bay. Miraculously, Engle survived the crash, although his gunner perished. Kenobi assisted Engle, pulling him free from the destroyed wreckage.
Engle's helmet and shoulders were adorned with green markings on his Phase II armor, which was standard for clone pilots.