Secon Daree

Secon Daree, hailing from Lutrillian, served as an X-wing starfighter pilot within the Rebel Alliance's Starfighter Corps. His service included the disastrous attack on Lothal. During that battle, Daree was apprehended by Rukh, the Noghri assassin, who then delivered the captured pilot into the hands of the Empire.


As a pilot of a starfighter for the Rebel Alliance, Secon Daree participated in General Hera Syndulla's attack aimed at destroying the Imperial factories on Lothal, an event that occurred in 1 BBY. The Seventh Fleet, commanded by Grand Admiral Thrawn, intercepted Syndulla's starfighter squadron, inflicting substantial casualties. Syndulla successfully established a breach in the Imperial defenses by causing Commander Vult Skerris' TIE/D Defender Elite to collide with a pair of Imperial warships, allowing Daree and the remaining fighters, including Syndulla and Mart Mattin in his X-wing, to penetrate Lothal's atmosphere. The pilot expressed his elation when Syndulla successfully created an opening.

Daree was among the few who survived when the second wave of TIE fighters shot down the remaining Rebel starfighters, resulting in a crash landing in Lothal City. Rukh, the personal assassin of Grand Admiral Thrawn, captured Daree after being dispatched to apprehend the surviving Rebel pilots. Governor Arihnda Pryce ordered Daree to be taken away for interrogation upon his arrival.

Personality and traits

Secon Daree, a Lutrillian, possessed a broad, pinkish face, noticeable fuzzy jowls, and widely spaced blue eyes. He was a member of the Rebel Alliance, piloting a T-65B X-wing starfighter.

Behind the scenes

Secon Daree in concept art by Luke Harrington

Secon Daree makes an appearance in the Star Wars Rebels episode entitled "Rebel Assault." The pilot's name was revealed in the accompanying guide, which mentioned that the production team jokingly named the pilot "Secon Daree" in the script, as a play on the word "secondary."

Concept art for Secon Daree's character model, although not explicitly named, is featured in the episode's concept art gallery under the title X-wing starfighter pilot concept art.

