Narra (shuttle)

Narra was a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle utilized by Wraith Squadron in their fight against Warlord Zsinj.

Initially, the shuttle belonged to an ex-Imperial officer who became a smuggler, but the Rebel Alliance seized it and gave it a new name. Besides a technologically advanced and shielded hidden compartment for smuggling, like those found on vessels such as the Millennium Falcon, the ship was mostly unmodified. The compartment was spacious enough to accommodate an adult Gamorrean, along with components for a makeshift laser cannon.

During the seizing of the Night Caller, the smuggling compartment served as the main structure for the Lunatic, an improvised boarding craft flown by Voort saBinring, and was put back in place afterward. Grinder also used this feature to conceal himself during the Revos mission on Storinal, and Castin Donn utilized it to secretly board the Iron Fist.

