The Mission to Xartun represented a clandestine undertaking by Wraith Squadron, with the primary objective of obliterating the transparisteel manufacturing plant situated on Xartun and controlled by Warlord Zsinj. Under the cover of darkness, the Wraiths infiltrated the factory and strategically placed explosive devices. The unexpected activation of the factory's Viper probe droids compromised their presence, triggering an alert that summoned stormtroopers and TIE fighters to impede their departure. Falynn Sandskimmer ingeniously commandeered a skiff, piloting it out of the factory just moments before the detonation of the planted explosives, enabling the Wraiths' escape.
The initial phase of the operation involved acquiring intelligence regarding their target. Face, assuming the identities of both Captain Zurel Darillian and his envoy Lieutenant Narol, arranged a meeting with Xartun's governor, Nojin Koolb. During the encounter, the governor conducted a tour of the facility for Face, who meticulously recorded the details and transmitted them to his fellow Wraiths before departing in their shuttle.
Leveraging the information gathered by Face, coupled with Grinder's expertise, the Wraiths successfully infiltrated the factory without encountering any resistance. However, they discovered additional levels within the factory that the governor had omitted during the tour with Face, raising their suspicions regarding the true extent of Zsinj's financial empire.
During their exploration and subsequent sabotage efforts within the factory, the Wraiths inadvertently triggered an alarm, prompting the activation of modified Imperial Probe droids against them, as well as summoning stormtroopers and two TIE fighters from a nearby base. Kell and Grinder swiftly neutralized the probe droids; Kell accomplished this by attaching a magnetic bomb to the first droid, while Grinder lured the second droid into a turbolift shaft and crushed it using the turbolift. Subsequently, Kell promptly completed the placement of the charges intended to demolish the plant, while Grinder finalized the download of the central computer's contents.
The Wraiths' escape route was effectively blockaded by the arrival of the TIE Fighters. Although Myn Donos could readily suppress the stormtroopers with sniper fire, he was unable to counter the starfighters. Falyn Sandskimmer and Kell Tainer then devised a plan utilizing the repulsorlift vehicles present in the hangar. The Wraiths boarded a sizable cargo skiff, while Falyn piloted a swift skimmer ahead as a decoy. Subsequently, the cargo skiff would forcefully emerge, employing magnetic load lifters to seize and overturn the TIE fighters. They executed this maneuver successfully, managing to escape after capturing and destroying both fighters.
The infiltration proved to be a resounding triumph, resulting in the destruction of the target and the acquisition of valuable intelligence without any casualties. This initial glimpse into Zsinj's clandestine financial network motivated the Wraiths to investigate further and furnish any evidence to the NRI in order to sever Zsinj's access to his revenues.
Furthermore, Piggy identified certain components being manufactured in the factory as cells resembling those in which he had grown up, establishing a connection between Binring Biomedical Products and Zsinj, ultimately leading to the mission to Saffalore.