Wraith Squadron and Blue Squadron engage in a high-speed run from Folor Base through the feature known as the Pig Trough. The Trench, more commonly known as The Pig Trough, represented a strange geological formation situated on Folor, which served as a moon to Commenor. This notable crevice stretched for several thousand kilometers in a northeasterly direction from the New Republic installation, Folor Base, before turning northwest and continuing for a considerably greater distance. The origin of the Pig Trough remained a mystery, especially considering the generally stable tectonic environment of Folor.
Pilots serving the New Republic, especially those in A-wing, X-wing, and Y-wing craft, and undergoing training exercises at Folor Base, often utilized the Pig Trough for practice runs. The deep chasm in the lunar terrain, characterized by its tight and twisting pathways, presented a significant challenge for pilots maneuvering their high-speed fighter vehicles. It was officially designated for live-fire exercises, including gunnery and bombing practice. When other fighter pilots were conducting training exercises in the satellite field orbiting Folor, Y-Wing squadrons would release ordnance over the canyon.
During Admiral Apwar Trigit's assault on Folor Base, which occurred in 8 ABY, Republic Flight officers Kell Tainer and Hohass Ekwesh from Wraith Squadron, alongside Dorset Konnair and Tetengo Noor of Blue Squadron, navigated the Pig Trough (informally racing their respective fighter models) to conduct reconnaissance on the Implacable. Furthermore, they successfully lured the Imperial Star Destroyer into their location as a tactical diversion. Their expert piloting skills within the Pig Trough provided them with a degree of protection as they retreated to their squadrons, enduring a barrage of Trigit's turbolaser fire.
Wraith and Blue Squadrons also leveraged the Pig Trough as a concealed route when moving from Folor Base to their designated combat area against the Implacable's complement of TIE Interceptors.